Garganchie, a male Gargantua, was transported to Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve by SF-R3 during the age of the High Republic Era. The name Garganchie was given to him by Jedi Initiate Lys Solay.
In the year 232 BBY, SF-R3 touched down on the planet Kundu Minor to replenish its fuel supply, carrying Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. While the group was away from the ship, the bellowing of Garganchie alerted local Besalisk sisters Slaygh and Braygh. The sisters boarded the ship, and they inadvertently freed Garganchie. As the gargantua neared the village, the residents, unaware that gargantuas are generally docile but easily startled by large groups, mistakenly believed him to be a threat. The villagers' screams frightened Garganchie, causing him to run away and hide in a cave. The Jedi younglings managed to locate Garganchie, but he was once again pursued by Slaygh and Braygh, who aimed to safeguard their village. Again, Garganchie was frightened, and he fled back towards the village, where the villagers' cries intensified his fear. He ascended to the summit of a tall platform that overlooked the town. Slaygh and Braygh chased after him, wielding electrostaffs, but upon reaching the top, they lost their footing and plummeted off the edge. Garganchie leaped after the sisters, saving them from the fall. Subsequently, the younglings successfully calmed and recaptured Garganchie, enabling his transport to his intended destination at Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve.