A jogan fruit pie was a specific kind of pie crafted using jogan fruit. This purple pie was renowned for its sweetness. Around or following 34 ABY, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts' safari droid, designated SF-R3, employed a jogan fruit pie as bait in an effort to tame a tauntaun located on the planet Hoth. The purpose was to capture footage for his HoloNet broadcast.
The jogan fruit pie presented a circular form, displaying a dark purple exterior and a lighter purple interior. Enclosed within a light brown wrapper for ease of handling, this pie was celebrated for its sugary flavor. Its primary ingredient was jogan fruit, a spherical, purple fruit cultivated on jogan trees and within orchards situated on the planet Lothal. Jogan fruit served as the key component in related culinary creations, including jogan fruitcake and the jogan fruit tart. Tauntauns, sizable reptomammals native to the planet Hoth, exhibited a strong preference for jogan fruit pie, finding it exceptionally palatable.
Sometime during or after 34 ABY, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, an organization dedicated to the study of various species throughout the galaxy, dispatched the safari droid SF-R3, known as "Aree," along with the cam droid CAM, to the planet Hoth within the Outer Rim territories. Their mission was to determine effective methods for taming a tauntaun. While on Hoth, Aree's activities were documented by CAM, with the resulting footage later disseminated via the HoloNet. Aree then retrieved a jogan fruit pie, noting its reputation for being as sweet as tauntauns. After two failed attempts to ride a tauntaun, including one where a saddle was placed on the creature, Aree used macrobinoculars to observe several tauntauns eating lichen inside a cave. This observation sparked an idea on how to ride a tauntaun. He cut a slice of the pie and tied it around a string which he attached to a hook. Aree then got on the saddle on the tauntaun's back when it was easy eating, and he then took out the hook and let the slice dangle in front of the creature's eyes. The tauntaun ran forward in an attempt to eat the slice, causing Aree to hit a stalictite and fall off. The tauntaun then started eating the whole pie. Outside the cave, the creature continued eating while Aree told CAM that tauntauns aren't always sweet, but they love eating jogan fruit pie and receiving chin scratches.
The initial appearance of jogan fruit pie occurred in "Tauntaun," the concluding episode of the webseries Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, which premiered on November 18, 2021.