Jogan fruitcake was a kind of cake originating from the planet of Coruscant; it was crafted using jogan fruit, and also featured whole jogan fruit as a decorative topping. During the period of the Clone Wars, Republic Senator Padmé Amidala opted to present jogan fruitcake as the final course at a celebratory dinner she hosted for Roonan Senator Aang, who sat on the Galactic Senate's Military Oversight Committee, as the dessert was widely known to be a favorite of his. Furthermore, it was available at Old Jho's Pit Stop, a cantina situated on the planet Lothal and managed by the Ithorian named Jho. This particular cake held a place among the top five dessert choices of Kanan Jarrus, the human Jedi Padawan, at that establishment. In the time of the New Republic Era, Noni, a Kowakian monkey-lizard, caused jogan fruitcake to get smeared all over CR-8R's hydrospanner, which greatly infuriated the monster droid.
The jogan fruit garnish was considered an essential element of the dessert, at least on Coruscant.