Wevo crisis

The Wevo crisis, also known as the tragedy on Wevo, was a conflict that erupted on the jungle moon of Wevo in 232 BBY. It involved a clash between Nihil pirates under the command of Gwishi and Klinith Da, and a small group spearheaded by Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh. Prior to the starship Steady Wing's departure from the planet Haileap, Gwishi and Da sabotaged it. Their goal was to hinder the Galactic Republic's expansion into the Dalnan sector, where a Dalnan diplomatic delegation was onboard. While they successfully destroyed the Steady Wing and killed the majority of its passengers, a small group managed to escape in a sabotaged maintenance shuttle. This group included Rwoh, Padawan Imri Cantaros, Avon Starros, Starros' droid J-6, and Honesty Weft, the son of the Dalnan ambassador.

Pursuing the shuttle to Wevo, the nearest viable landing location, the pirates attempted to eliminate the surviving group of young individuals. The dense jungle terrain complicated their mission. Unintentionally, Rwoh damaged the pirates' stolen cargo hauler by using telekinesis to hurl a large rock at it, effectively trapping Gwishi and Da on the moon. The Jedi party eventually became aware of the pirates' presence, prompting Rwoh to devise a strategy for their capture. However, Cantaros, overwhelmed by intense negative emotions stemming from the death of his Master, Douglas Sunvale, aboard the Steady Wing, convinced Weft, who was grieving his father's death, to secretly launch an attack on the pirates. Unfortunately, they were quickly captured and held as bait.

Discovering the boys' disappearance the following morning, Rwoh, Starros, and J-6 embarked on a rescue mission. Rwoh successfully subdued Gwishi, while J-6, a modified bodyguard droid, freed the captured boys. However, when Da confronted Rwoh, Cantaros, succumbing to his anger, attempted to use the Force choke to kill her. Rwoh used the Force to throw Cantaros away, and she and J-6 proceeded to restrain the pirates. The young Mirialan Jedi then pursued Cantaros, engaging him in a lightsaber duel to prevent his descent into the dark side of the Force. A few days later, a Jedi rescue team arrived and transported them to the Starlight Beacon. Following the counsel of Jedi Master Sskeer, Rwoh accepted Cantaros as her Padawan.

