During the time of the High Republic Era, a formal meeting took place at the recently completed space station known as Starlight Beacon. This meeting was a joint effort between the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. Among those present were Jedi Master Avar Kriss and Admiral Pevel Kronara from the Republic Defense Coalition; his cruiser, the Third Horizon, was heading nearby to refuel. Following the conclusion of the meeting, Shai Tennem, the overseer who supervised the construction of Starlight Beacon, insisted on providing the attendees with an extensive tour of the station, which caused a delay in their departure. In addition to Kriss and Kronara, the Jedi present on the tour included Nib Assek and her Padawan Burryaga Agaburry, as well as Mikkel Sutmani, and Te'Ami. As the tour progressed, the group encountered technicians Joss and Pikka Adren, who were urgently trying to find and fix a last-minute issue in the station's power grid. Tennem intended to include the Adrens on the tour, but Burryaga sensed their urgency, and he and Assek made sure they were allowed to return to their critical work. The delay that Tennem caused to the Third Horizon's departure from the Starlight put the cruiser and its crew in an advantageous position to respond when a distress signal was received from the Hetzal system. This led the starship to rush to the star system's assistance, carrying many of the conclave attendees as part of the rescue team.
The initial appearance of the conclave on Starlight Beacon was in the short story titled "Starlight: Part One: Go Together."