Unidentified Nihil sniper

A sniper affiliated with the Nihil was active during the age of the High Republic Era. This humanoid being, characterized by red skin and dark tattoos, was attired in grey trousers and boots complete with knee protectors, a verdant sash, and also shoulder armor, a bandolier, and a respirator. The sniper was armed with both a substantial blaster and a sizable sword. In approximately 232 BBY, this sniper took part in an attack targeting a Hutt Clan freighter that was transporting a shipment of Vratixian barley through the Kazlin system. During this assault, the sniper sustained injuries and was consequently abandoned on the starship when the other pirates made their escape. Following this, a group of Jedi arrived to investigate, prompted by the coded distress signal emitted by the freighter, which had been detected by the space station Starlight Beacon. Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis and Ceret perceived what they believed were survivors aboard the freighter, unaware that it was solely the Nihil sniper.

The Jedi team of four boarded the vessel. Trennis and Ceret proceeded to search for the flight deck, while Jedi Master Sskeer and Terec, Ceret's bond-twin, began their search of the ship. Utilizing the cover of toxic fumes released by the Nihil, the sniper launched a surprise attack on Sskeer and Terec, unleashing a volley of blaster fire that wounded Terec. Sskeer, experiencing difficulties with his Force abilities, failed to sense the attacker and instead relied on his Trandoshan sense of smell to locate the sniper, who was bleeding profusely. Noticing the sniper's dropped blaster, Sskeer deduced that the assailant was near death. The sniper then attempted a sword attack on Sskeer, ambushing him from above and behind, but Sskeer responded by bisecting the pirate with his lightsaber. Enraged by his inability to sense the attacker, Sskeer proceeded to mutilate the pirate's corpse, an act witnessed only by Trennis, who had arrived to assist after being alerted by Ceret. Later, after Sskeer and Ceret had been dispatched to Sedri Minor to investigate the cargo's origin, Trennis presented the Nihil's remains to Marshal Avar Kriss. Kriss then acknowledged that she should not have assigned Sskeer to the mission.

