The Drengir crisis, which is also referred to as the Drengir campaign, spanned from 232 BBY to 231 BBY. This significant event involved a widespread infestation of the Drengir, which are amorphous, sentient carnivorous plants. These plants began to overwhelm the edge of the Galactic Republic as well as the territory controlled by the Hutt Clan. The Jedi Order initiated containment operations to try and stop the Drengir and the destruction they caused.
Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the Drengir originated from Mulita, located far away in Wild Space, and engaged in multiple attacks, even managing to take control of entire worlds found in the Outer Rim.
Following their encounter on the Amaxine space station after the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster], the Drengir began to awaken throughout the galaxy. These entities then launched a series of attacks along the frontier, including an assault against the Starlight Beacon space station, resulting in the Drengir completely overrunning some worlds. Avar Kriss, who was a Marshal and a Jedi stationed at Starlight Beacon, was put in charge of dealing with the crisis.