Mulita, situated in grid square H-19 of the Standard Galactic Grid within Wild Space, was a planet covered in forests and part of the Mulita system. This world served as the homeworld for the Drengir, sentient carnivorous plants, and was also the location of the Great Progenitor, the original Drengir.
On this planet, Amaxine warriors erected a transport pod relay, which was linked to an space station, with the intention of subduing the Drengir and claiming the world. Their efforts failed, and the Drengir took advantage of the relay to dispatch a number of their kind to the Amaxine space station. The Sith eventually imprisoned the Drengir on the station, leaving those on the planet unaware of their comrades' fate.
During the High Republic Era, Jedi Knight Dez Rydan found himself on the Drengir planet while investigating the Amaxine station. Later, the Jedi Padawan Reath Silas also arrived on the planet after some time had passed. The Drengir, having received two visitors via the relay system, concluded that the station was still operational. Shortly thereafter, Silas and Rydan made their escape from the planet using one of the two pods, but they were pursued by a group of Drengir in the other. Upon the Drengir pod's arrival at the station, Silas employed the Force to propel it backward, sending it back into hyperspace and resulting in the death of the Drengir that had emerged.
Months into the Drengir's infestation across the Galactic Frontier, Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis successfully located the Great Progenitor through a connection she had with the Drengir. Jedi Master Avar Kriss, suspecting Mulita was the Drengir's origin world, gathered a group of Jedi to assault the planet during the time of the Republic Fair being held on Valo. Nihil Tempest Runner Pan Eyta knew of these events and was confident that neither the Jedi Order nor the Galactic Republic would be able to respond to the marauders' attack on Valo as the Jedi were preoccupied on Mulita.
Mulita's initial appearance, though unnamed at the time, was in Claudia Gray's novel The High Republic: Into the Dark, which was released on February 2, 2021. It was later mentioned and given a name in Cavan Scott's novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, which was released on June 29. However, the name was incorrectly spelled as "Miluta". The correct spelling was provided when the Mulita system was first referenced in the sixth issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic comic book, which Scott also wrote. The planet's proper spelling wasn't confirmed until the comic's eighth issue.