The Amaxine warriors were rumored to be a race of warriors that originated at the start of the Galactic Republic. Rather than utilizing currency, the Amaxine warriors bartered arms in exchange for various goods and services. Around 1022 BBY, the Amaxine warriors rebelled against their governing body and disappeared from the known galaxy; it was speculated that the warriors eventually abandoned the galaxy, seeking another one. Years after the Amaxines had disappeared, a paramilitary organization that was active during the New Republic Era adopted the name of the ancient warriors.

Amaxine technology was advanced, and it was capable of enduring for centuries after its initial construction. Their space stations contained docking bays designed for their uniquely designed starships, and the stations also featured a system for deploying [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace]-capable pods. These pods could be launched across vast distances within the galaxy, enabling precise reconnaissance or sabotage operations against a target. This capability gave Amaxine scouts a reputation for seemingly appearing out of nowhere before signaling their forces to attack. One such space station was situated around an uncharted star that, by the time of the High Republic, was nearing its end, although the station itself remained functional. However, Reath Silas sabotaged its pod system to prevent the Drengir and the Nihil from gaining access to it.
According to a tale recounted by Leia Organa's adoptive mother, Breha Organa, the Amaxine warriors were allegedly a warrior culture whose society revolved entirely around warfare. They bartered weapons for goods and services instead of using currency. Around 2500 BBY, the Amaxine warriors encountered the Drengir. They constructed a relay station for their hyperspace pods on an unknown world inhabited by the sentient species, intending to wage war against them. However, the Drengir retaliated, defeating and devouring them. Around 1022 BBY, the Amaxine warriors broke away from their established government and disappeared from the broader galaxy. Legend has it that their motivation for this was their refusal to reconcile with the Old Republic. Unable to overcome such a formidable adversary, they left the known galaxy in search of another one to fight.
During the High Republic Era, an Amaxine space station situated within a star system with a dying star at its center served as a waypoint for the Byne Guild's indentured pilots. The station later provided refuge for several starships stranded by the Great Hyperspace Disaster.
During the New Republic Era, a paramilitary organization led by Arliz Hadrassian and allied with the clandestine First Order adopted the Amaxine name.
The Amaxine warriors were initially mentioned in Claudia Gray's novel, Bloodline.