The Wookiee sanctuary was a settlement of Wookiees nestled far within the dense forests of the planet known as Kashyyyk. The village was led by its elder, Yanna. Somewhere between the years of 19 BBY and 18 BBY, Clone Force 99 performed a rescue of the Wookiee Jedi Padawan named Gungi, transporting him to the safety offered by this village. Together with the Wookiee villagers, they were victorious against the combined Trandoshan and clone trooper forces commanded by Commander Babwa Venomor. During this conflict, the Bad Batch and the Wookiees utilized shovels to put out the fires started by Venomor's flame cannon and the incinerator tanks of his troops, stopping the fires from engulfing the sanctuary.
The Wookiee sanctuary made its debut in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series, specifically in the sixth episode called "Tribe" from the second season. This episode was initially broadcast on February 1, 2023. Its identification was first made in the episode guide accompanying "Tribe."