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The fifth episode of the animated television show Star Wars: The Bad Batch, titled "Entombed", is part of its second season. It was initially broadcast on January 25, 2023 via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

The Batch embarks on a quest for a long-lost artifact, only to stumble upon a startling revelation.

Plot summary

Old junk

Wrecker and Omega are in a scrapyard, looking for a replacement compressor. Wrecker locates one within the remains of a crashed LAAT gunship, while Omega discovers a spherical and egg-shaped artifact. Simultaneously, in the presence of Echo, Hunter, Tech, the Ithorian Bolo, the Weequay Ketch, and Phee Genoa, Genoa tells a story about her battle with an Octomorph in order to obtain the Grand Pearl of Novak. Tech points out inconsistencies in Genoa's narrative, while Hunter suggests that Bolo and Ketch are easily convinced.

Wrecker comes back carrying the compressor. Omega reveals the relics she found, including a broken manifold generator, but Tech thinks those items should have been left behind. Genoa identifies one of the relics as a compass showing a set of coordinates. She directs her droid, Mel, to illuminate the compass, revealing the coordinates of the Kaldar Trinary system. Tech mentions that the system is unmapped, prompting Genoa to state that the most valuable treasures are usually hidden away.

Voyage to Kaldar Trinary

Omega expresses her excitement about a potential treasure hunt; however, Hunter is doubtful. Genoa proposes splitting the treasure's value in half with the Bad Batch. Wrecker is enthusiastic, noting that they are currently without a mission. Echo reminds everyone that their previous treasure hunt did not end well. Genoa asserts her professionalism. Seeing Omega's enthusiasm, Hunter agrees.

The clones and Genoa travel on the Marauder. Genoa tries to gain Omega's favor, recounting her travels to numerous uncharted worlds, with Mel documenting everything. Hunter suspects she is a pirate, but Genoa prefers to think of herself as a "liberator" of ancient artifacts. She captivates Omega with a tale of discovering the Blade of Zakata Par, leading Hunter to leave the room.

Upon arrival, the Bad Batch and Genoa find a desolate, burned-out world with scorched plant life. The compass starts to vibrate, and Echo guides the group, including Mel, southward. The coordinates lead them to a desolate forest. Reaching a wall, Omega suggests going around the mountain. Genoa believes the compass is directing them to go inside. Using her cutlass, she creates an opening in the rocks. With Wrecker's help, they uncover a concealed entrance. As they proceed, they are observed by a Chell.

Inside the mountain

The treasure hunters find inscriptions inside, which Genoa recognizes as marking the entrance to Skara Nal. When Wrecker asks for clarification, she explains that the Legend of Skara Nal is older than the Jedi Order and that a treasure called the Heart of the Mountain is located within. Omega inquires about how to enter. Genoa explains that it requires a specific pattern and that the symbols must be aligned correctly. Wrecker assists her in moving a beam, causing the circular floor patterns to descend. A sizable rock seals the entrance, trapping them. Hunter expresses his frustration with being trapped, but Genoa assures him that there is always an exit.

Omega realizes that they have not aligned the symbols correctly. Using the compass, she notices that some of the symbols are marked purple. Genoa instructs Omega to place the compass on her lamp, improving the clones' ability to see the symbols. By working together, they realign the symbols and open a doorway. Genoa instructs Mel to remain outside while she enters the tunnel with the clones. Genoa explains that the Heart of the Mountain is a rare crystalline stone that is key to an ancient power.

Tech reports that his initial analysis of the minerals in the stone slabs indicates that they predate the Galactic Republic. He believes Phee has discovered something significant. Before they can continue, a large, fanged monster attacks the group, seizing Wrecker. The clones fight back and free Wrecker. However, the fleeing monster causes several rocks to fall, separating Echo, Tech, and Wrecker from Hunter, Omega, and Genoa. Echo informs Omega via comlink that they are safe but unable to get through the rockfall.

Hints and traps

Tech reports that there are multiple adjacent tunnels and suggests using them to meet up with Genoa and the others. Genoa says they will continue searching for the treasure and assures Hunter and Omega that the others will be fine. Hunter leads the group through a tunnel. Genoa and Omega notice more markings above the tunnel and attempt to warn Hunter. He falls into a hole, but uses a grappling cable. Genoa and Omega help him to get out.

Omega thinks that they need to find a way to walk on the ceiling. Hunter is hesitant about continuing the treasure hunt, but Genoa is calm, stating that this adventure reminds her of her search for the Belmont diadem. While the adults are talking about the quest, Omega discovers that her compass fits into the unlock, which causes the circular tunnel to rotate and form a bridge. Although Omega determines that the bridge is safe to cross, she is unable to retrieve the compass. Genoa explains that Skara Nal has taken it back. Hunter complains about having to navigate the tunnels without the compass, but Genoa assures him that that's what she's there for.

Meanwhile, Tech discovers that something is interfering with his scanner. Wrecker hears something moving, but Echo thinks it is just his imagination. They soon reunite with Omega, Hunter, and Genoa outside a circular vault door. Genoa unlocks the door, revealing a deep vault where the Heart of the Mountain is located below. Genoa walks across the stone structures and retrieves the diamond. However, removing the Heart of the Mountain activates the structure's security system, sealing the entrances.

The battle machine

A bright beam of light erupts from the mountain. Mel runs away as a massive, saurian-shaped machine emerges from the mountain. The clones and Genoa realize that the treasure vault is actually a giant war machine that emits a large amount of energy. Tech suggests returning the Heart of the Mountain to its original place to deactivate the machine. Genoa is reluctant to give up a valuable treasure, but Hunter argues that if the machine destroys their ship, they will be stranded on the planet. Genoa agrees, but warns that they owe her a debt for the treasure's loss.

The Chell breaks into the command center, causing the Heart of the Mountain to fall down a hole. Genoa goes down the hole to retrieve it while the Bad Batch fight the monster. Genoa almost falls out of the giant machine, but Hunter pulls her to safety. The giant machine fires a blast of energy that scorches the surrounding area. Mel tries to escape but is incinerated by the beam. Omega fires her energy bow at the Chell while Wrecker pulls it towards the window. At Wrecker's direction, Omega shoots the window open and Wrecker throws the beast out.

Tech tries to regain control of the machine before it can turn its beam on the Marauder. Hunter gives Tech and Omega the Heart of the Mountain, causing the machine to shut down. The stone also melts, activating a self-destruct mechanism. The clones and Genoa hold on as the machine crashes onto the hill. After they escape, Tech says that this adventure puts them at 0 for 2 in treasure hunting, even with a professional. Omega assures them that they found the Heart of the Mountain, proving that the legend is real.


As they head back to the ship, Hunter says that at least nobody can use the weapon again. Omega apologizes for the loss of Mel, but Genoa assures her that she has saved Mel's memory on the ship's data bank. She hopes to have Mel rebuilt before they go to Vadnay. When Omega asks, Genoa says she has a lead on an ancient chalice that once belonged to the Kingdom of Elweys. Hunter is doubtful about going on another tour, but Omega is fascinated. The clones and Genoa leave on the Marauder.


