The Skara Nal compass, more commonly known as Omega's Compass, was a type of compass that guided individuals to a long-forgotten walker that was interred on Skara Nal, located within the Kaldar Trinary system. This artifact was inscribed with specific coordinates, incorporated a lens to aid users in circumventing the various security measures safeguarding the entombed walker, and functioned as a key to bypass the last defensive mechanism. Furthermore, it emitted audible signals to guide its possessor in the proper path, provided they were physically present on the planet's terrain. Sometime between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, Omega from the group Clone Force 99 came across the compass while exploring a junkyard situated on the world of Ord Mantell. The treasure seeker Phee Genoa determined the function of the device, which prompted her and the "Bad Batch" to embark on a search to discover its ultimate destination.