Skara Nal, a planet, was found within the Kaldar Trinary system located in the galaxy. During the period between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, the planet became the destination for pirate Phee Genoa, MEL-221, and the members of the Bad Batch as they conducted a search for hidden riches. Instead of treasure, they stumbled upon an old walker which was actually a superweapon. Genoa triggered the walker, unveiling its true purpose when she extracted the Heart of the Mountain crystal that had been keeping it dormant. The walker then engaged in a short destructive spree until Genoa was convinced to restore the crystal to its original position, preventing the weapon from obliterating the Bad Batch's starship and stranding them. While replacing the crystal stopped the walker, it also resulted in its destruction, along with the crystal itself.
The planet Skara Nal was positioned in the Kaldar Trinary system. Possessing a terrestrial environment with an atmosphere suitable for human respiration, it was in orbit around a trinary star and had at least one moon. A significant portion of the planet's surface was barren and uninhabitable, characterized by dead forests, mountains and valleys. The surface also featured fossilized rock formations and dull stone protrusions. There were no urban centers or any indications of prior habitation across the planet. Chell were inhabitants of the planet.
Before the Jedi Order existed, the Ancients constructed an ancient walker sometime before the Galactic Republic was formed around 25,000 BBY. This walker was at one point unleashed on the planet, and its primary weapon carved substantial trenches into the landscape, rendering much of the surrounding area unsuitable for life. Eventually, the walker was subdued and entombed within a mountain. A crystal known as the Heart of the Mountain was placed into a socket within the walker's control room, which kept it inactive, while a series of traps guarded the chamber. Over the millennia, the walker evolved into a pirate legend, becoming mythologized as a city containing a crystal of significant power and value.
During the early years of the Imperial Era, specifically between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, a compass that was designed to guide and grant access to the walker was found by Omega, a member of the Bad Batch, a group of renegade clone mercenaries evading the Galactic Empire. This discovery occurred in a junkyard on Ord Mantell, a Mid Rim planet. Omega had begun to collect potentially valuable pieces of scrap to present to Phee Genoa, a pirate and treasure seeker with whom the team had recently established a connection.
Upon returning with Wrecker to Cid's Parlor, the cantina that served as their base, Omega displayed her findings to Genoa. The pirate noticed that the compass had coordinate markings and instructed her droid, MEL-221, to scan it, which placed the coordinates in the Kaldar Trinary system. Intrigued, Genoa convinced the rest of the team to join her on a treasure hunt to that location. The group then travelled to the planet aboard the Bad Batch's starship, the Marauder.
Subsequently, the group landed on the planet and were met with its desolate scenery. As the group discussed the planet's landscape, Echo noticed that the compass had activated and was pointing south from their position. Excited, Omega grabbed the compass from Echo and advanced towards the direction indicated by the compass. After arriving at the location that the compass was pointing at, the group found themselves at a dead end. Presuming that there was a secret entrance, Phee asked Wrecker to move some rocks. After moving some rocks, a secret entrance to the walker was revealed and the Bad Batch entered it.
While exploring the walker, the group solved many puzzles and challenges that were presented to them. Eventually, the group reached a chamber that housed the Heart of the Mountain. Phee immediately took the Heart of the Mountain which consequently activated the walker. The ancient droid walker then proceeded to annihilate everything on the planet. To stop the droid walker from destroying their ship, the group managed to place the Heart of the Mountain back to where it was previously thereby deactivating and later destroying the droid walker. The Marauder then left the planet.
Skara Nal was featured in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch second season episode titled "Entombed," which was released on January 25, 2023.