Kaldar Trinary system

The Kaldar Trinary system existed within the galaxy. It was the home of at least one moon and the planet Skara Nal, which held a buried, ancient walker. The location of this trinary star system was etched onto a compass that guided those who possessed it to the ancient war machine. By 18 BBY, no star map included the system's whereabouts. Following the discovery of the system's coordinates on a compass at an unidentified junkyard situated on the planet Ord Mantell, Phee Genoa, Clone Force 99, and power droid MEL-221 journeyed to the system between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, seeking "treasure."

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 episode "Entombed," which premiered on January 25, 2023, marked the location's initial appearance.

