
Muchi was a young female rancor that belonged to the crime boss Jabba the Hutt. Zygerrian slavers captured her at some point and transported her to the Outer Rim planet of Ord Mantell. In the year 19 BBY, Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, paid Ciddarin Scaleback, a former Jedi informant, to retrieve the rancor. Cid subsequently hired Clone Force 99 to execute the mission. Omega freed Muchi, who was then returned to Bib Fortuna, who showed affection for the rancor, referring to her as his "sweet girl."


Muchi was a young female rancor that was the property of the Hutt criminal and crime lord known as Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Sometime before or during 19 BBY, Zygerrian enslavers under the leadership of Raney captured Muchi and brought her to Old Ord Mantell City located on the planet Ord Mantell. Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, engaged Cid, the Trandoshan owner of a parlor, to get Muchi back to Jabba. Cid then employed the renegade clone commando squad Clone Force 99 to deliver Muchi to her in exchange for some information they needed, but she failed to mention that Muchi was a rancor. They also came to an agreement to divide the reward for Muchi amongst themselves, with Cid taking the larger portion. Once the arrangements were settled, Cid tossed an intel stick containing the bounty details at Hunter, the leader of Clone Force 99.

Clone Force 99 journeyed to the ruins of Old Ord Mantell City aboard their personal attack shuttle, the Marauder, and used their macrobinoculars to observe several slaves, one of whom was a green Falleen child they mistakenly identified as Muchi. However, before they could launch an attack, a large brezak ambushed them and captured them in a stun net fired from an electrified net gun by the Zygerrians.

During Clone Force 99's mission, Fortuna contacted Cid to ask about the delay, as his master was growing impatient. Cid reassured Fortuna that his master would soon be reunited with Muchi.

Wrecker grappling with Muchi to establish dominance

Omega, Clone Force 99's young companion, attempted to free the prisoners by unlocking Muchi's cage, but in the process, she was seized by a Zygerrian guard. Despite the Zygerrians' attempts to secure the cage, Muchi broke free from her chains and escaped. The slavers then opened fire on Muchi, causing her to hurl a large boulder at them, while the clones took advantage of the distraction to break free from their chains and tear off their shock collars. Muchi attempted to attack Raney, but a brezak carried the Zygerrian away. Omega, believing the Falleen child to be Muchi, told her that they would take her home. However, a Falleen prisoner quickly informed her that the rancor was actually Muchi, much to the surprise of Echo.

Muchi quickly overcame several of the Zygerrians before engaging Raney and the brezak in combat. Although the lizard had the upper hand while mounted, Muchi gained an advantage after Hunter threw Raney to the ground. When Muchi attempted to flee, the brezak pursued her, leading to a fight in which Muchi emerged victorious by biting the brezak's tail. Following this, Wrecker challenged Muchi to a fight, as rancors followed a social hierarchy where the strongest contender was the group's alpha. After a prolonged battle, both collapsed from exhaustion.

The Bad Batch return Muchi to Bib Fortuna.

Clone Force 99 transported Muchi to Ord Mantell City, where she was greeted by Fortuna and two Gamorrean guards, with one of the Gamorreans compensating Cid for Muchi's rescue. The rancor said farewell to the clones, and Fortuna took her home. In exchange for completing the mission, Cid informed Hunter that the bounty hunter the group had previously encountered was Fennec Shand, and that she was working on a direct commission. Cid then gave Hunter his share of the payment.

Personality and traits

Muchi was a young female rancor, standing approximately 1.82 meters tall. She possessed brown skin and green eyes. Muchi harbored a dislike for the Zygerrian slavers, particularly Raney, because they had kidnapped her. Muchi was a formidable adversary who fought until she was exhausted and docile, but she could also be tamed and ridden. Muchi appreciated the affection shown by Bib Fortuna, as well as later by Omega and Clone Force 99.

Behind the scenes

Muchi made her debut in "Rampage," the fifth episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga identified Jabba's rancor in the 1983 movie Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi as "Pateesa Muchi."

