Rampage (episode)

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title: Rampage

The fifth episode of the animated web series Star Wars: The Bad Batch is entitled "Rampage". It premiered on Disney+ on May 28, 2021.

Official description

The Bad Batch make an agreement to undertake a task.

Plot summary

In Search of Cid

As the Marauder is in hyperspace, Tech hands over Crosshair's old comlink to Omega. Omega starts playing with it, but Echo cautions her that it's not a toy. Omega wonders why they're going to Ord Mantell when they were supposed to stay hidden, and Hunter clarifies that they need to discover why a bounty hunter is after her. Echo mentions an informant named Cid who might be able to assist them. Wrecker questions Scaleback's trustworthiness, to which Echo responds that the Jedi trusted Scaleback. Tech retorts that the Jedi are no more, leading Echo to inquire if anyone has a better suggestion. Using her comm device, Omega supports Echo. She then apologizes for treating it like a toy.

Clone Force 99 visits Ciddarin Scaleback on Ord Mantell.

The Bad Batch's ship lands in a concealed hangar within Ord Mantell City. Subsequently, the Bad Batch, accompanied by Omega, navigate the streets of Ord Mantell. Omega recites her lesson about not trusting anyone and using her comm to contact the squad if she encounters problems. Echo guides them down a dilapidated alley leading to an underground cantina, frequented by several aliens. Echo informs the others that he has only heard of Scaleback, never met them. Tech expresses that he should have mentioned this sooner. Hunter approaches a green Trandoshan, asking if they know Scaleback.

The Trandoshan is cagey, prompting Hunter to inquire about an Ithorian and a Weequay who are fighting in the corner. The Trandoshan insists that he's in the wrong establishment, telling him to leave unless he intends to spend money. Wrecker complains about Echo's plan, but Echo points out that the Jedi visited this place during the war. Tech theorizes that Scaleback either fled after hearing about the Jedi's fate or was arrested for numerous health code violations. Omega goes up to the Trandoshan and realizes that she is Scaleback, to which the Trandoshan responds that she is more perceptive than her companions.

Hunter asks Echo if the Jedi had other informants. Echo confirms they did, but Scaleback was the only one he knew how to locate. Wrecker wonders if their trip was pointless. Omega reveals that she found Scaleback, indicating the Trandoshan bartender.

Negotiating with Cid

Scaleback guides the clones to a concealed storage area filled with various gadgets. She explains that while the Jedi valued her insights, the demand for her services has decreased due to the new Empire. Hunter remarks that things have changed. Scaleback observes that she has never before had clone deserters seek her out. Tech explains that they left due to a disagreement in ideology. Scaleback dismisses ideology and urges the clones to get to the point.

Echo inserts his cybernetic arm into Scaleback's terminal, prompting Scaleback to sarcastically invite the clones to make themselves at home. Hunter displays a hologram of the mysterious bounty hunter they encountered on Pantora to Scaleback. Scaleback doesn't recognize the bounty hunter but confirms that the figure is a bounty hunter. Echo asks if she can determine who hired her. Scaleback replies that it depends on what the clones can do for her. The Clones are shocked, and Scaleback scolds them for their naivety, telling them that they must complete a job for her in exchange for the information they seek, adding that this is how mercenaries operate. Scaleback notices that the clones are new to being mercenaries and jokes that Omega is the "brains" of their operation.

Scaleback explains that she needs the clones to mission a kid named Muchi. According to Scaleback's information, Muchi was captured by Zygerrian slavers who are hiding on the far side of Ord Mantell. Scaleback instructs them to retrieve the kid for her in exchange for the information. Wrecker inquires about the payment distribution, and Scaleback informs the clones that they will split the bounty with her taking 70% and them getting 30%. She presents it as a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Wrecker expresses excitement about confronting Zygerrian slave traders, leading Scaleback to declare that they have a deal. She tosses Hunter an intel stick containing all the necessary details.

Later, the Bad Batch travel on the Marauder to the other side of Ord Mantell. During the flight, Wrecker winces in pain. Hunter checks on him, but Wrecker dismisses it as nothing before touching his head. Tech, consulting the data from the intel stick, reveals that the Zygerrian slave traders are concealed within the ruins of Old Ord Mantell City. Omega asks what a slave trader is, and Tech explains that they buy and sell people for credits. Omega expresses surprise that people can be sold. Echo clarifies that they are captives without a choice, treated as property. Omega objects to this, and Echo assures her that they won't allow it to happen to the kid. Tech adds that they will also earn a substantial amount of credits once the job is finished. Omega pledges to rescue Muchi.

The Attempted Rescue

The Bad Batch survey the ruins of the city.

The Marauder lands with its wings folded against the backdrop of a mountain range. The clones examine the ruins of Old Ord Mantell City. Using macrobinoculars, they observe several slaves, including a green Falleen child, under armed guard. Tech identifies two dozen sentries and multiple entry points with minor fortifications. Wrecker asks if it's a "smash and grab" mission like the one on Kuat. Omega expresses her eagerness and asks what they are waiting for. Hunter instructs her to return to the ship before the clones depart. Omega folds her arms, sulking.

The clones navigate the rocky terrain toward the compound. Hunter assigns Echo the role of providing aerial surveillance and tasks Wrecker with drawing out the Zygerrian forces. Hunter states that he and Tech will retrieve the kid. Echo ascends the ruins of a building and relays information about two patrolling speeders to the group. Echo detects movement just as the group is attacked by a large serpentine brezak. The Zygerrians quickly capture the Clones in an electric net.

Meanwhile, Bib Fortuna contacts Scaleback to inquire about the delay, stating that his master is growing impatient. Scaleback responds that a mission of this nature requires careful planning. She instructs Fortuna to reassure his employer that he will soon be reunited with Muchi. Fortuna issues a threat in Huttese, prompting Scaleback to dismiss the need for threats. Scaleback assures him that she has her best people on the job.

Omega's Rescue

Back on the Havor Marauder, Gonky, the droid, approaches Omega, who is modifying her trooper doll. She seeks the droid's opinion. Suddenly, she overhears Zygerrian voices announcing that they have found their ship. Omega instructs Gonky to hide. While the droid shuts down, she hides behind a seat in the cockpit. A Zygerrian taps Gonky on the head with his blaster. As he approaches the cockpit, Omega escapes through a trapdoor leading out of the ship. Omega conceals herself behind a boulder as the Zygerrian guards radio their boss that the ship is empty. They then leave on their speeder bikes.

Once the Zygerrians are gone, Omega attempts to contact the Bad Batch on her comlink but receives no response. She approaches the edge of the settlement. Using a pair of macrobinoculars, she discovers that the other clones have been captured and restrained with electromagnetic restraints. Wrecker manages to loosen his chains but is shocked by a guard. Echo is electrocuted by another guard. The brezak circles the Zygerrian leader's tower, emitting a fierce roar.

The Falleen girl begins to cry, prompting Wrecker to comfort her by claiming they are the cavalry. Tech clarifies that this is not a standard military operation and that they lack experience in rescuing children from slavery. Hunter states that they need to signal Omega before she is captured. Echo points out that their comms are located with their weapons. Tech spots Omega on top of a building and informs the other clones that they don't need a comm to reach her. Omega waves down to them before pointing to a series of cables connecting two buildings.

The Zygerrian slavers' leader Raney inspects the captured clones, hoping to sell the four strong prisoners for a high price. Echo protests that the Galactic Republic outlawed slavery. Raney retorts that they are no longer in the Republic. Meanwhile, Omega scurries across the cables. To distract the Zygerrians, Echo tells Raney that he is fortunate that they don't have their weapons, as the situation would be very different. Omega spots the Bad Batch's armor and equipment below.

However, while climbing down a pillar, Omega accidentally kicks a rock, creating a noise that draws attention to her location. When Raney goes to investigate, Wrecker distracts the Zygerrians by kicking a stone of his own into the path of a guard, knocking him to the ground. Another guard strikes Wrecker with his electro-whip. Raney considers making do with one less slave and threatens to feed Wrecker to his brezak, which roars menacingly. While Raney discusses returning to Kadavo to rebuild what was taken from them and prospering under the Galactic Empire, Omega descends down a stony green tower and leaps onto a large roof with air holes above it.

The Rancor's Onslaught

Looking inside, she sees a large caged animal. Omega manages to unlock the cage but is seized by a Zygerrian guard, who brings her before Raney. Omega claims that she was not sneaking but was unlocking the cage, presenting the bolt. The Zygerrian guards attempt to secure the cage but are no match for the rancor inside, which easily breaks through the gate. The rancor lifts a huge boulder and throws it at the slavers.

The clones seize the opportunity created by the rancor's rampage to break free of their chains, also removing their neck braces. Raney whistles for his brezak to join the fight while the clones free the other captives. Omega approaches the Falleen girl, believing her to be Muchi, and says they are here to take her home. Her father, speaking in Falleen, reveals that the rancor is Muchi. The rancor hurls one of the guards into the air before fleeing, knocking another Zygerrian off his speeder bike.

Hunter tells the clones that they need to capture Muchi to get their intel from Scaleback. When Omega asks about the other three slaves, Echo says that he and Omega will escort them to safety while the other clones find Muchi. Hunter directs them to head for the speeders at the south entrance. While Omega and Echo lead the freed slaves to safety, Hunter leads the other clones to Muchi, who is battling several Zygerrian guards, tossing them aside. Another guard fires a Zygerrian energy bow at Muchi from a tower. Muchi leaps at the guard, causing him to fall from the tower.

The Bad Batch converge on Muchi, but Raney descends on the clones with his brezak, scattering them. Muchi charges at Raney and his brezak, but the dragonlike creature hurls the rancor aside with its long tail. As Muchi whimpers, Raney prepares to whip him, but Hunter throws him to the ground. The rancor takes the opportunity to flee with the brezak in pursuit. Raney confronts Hunter, vowing that he will pay for this. Hunter sends Tech and Wrecker after the rancor. Hunter engages Raney with his vibro-knife, but Raney wraps his electrowhip around Hunter's right arm, causing Hunter to drop his knife.

Hunter manages to push Raney aside and kick him to the ground. Meanwhile, Echo and Omega take shelter behind rocks from the Zygerrian guards. Echo eliminates the guards with his blaster and leads the slaves and Omega toward the speeders. Omega retrieves a Zygerrian energy bow.

Subduing Muchi

The brezak chases Muchi through the ruins. The brezak whips Muchi with its tail, but Muchi grabs onto it with her arms and bites it. She flips the reptavian beast up and down before jumping on it. The defeated brezak flies away. Wrecker and Tech arrive. When Wrecker asks if he has any ideas how to stop that "thing," Tech explains that rancors adhere to social hierarchies and that you must challenge the alpha for authority.

Muchi charges at them and Wrecker meets. She quickly gains the upper hand and throws Wrecker onto some rocks. Wrecker throws a boulder and then jumps onto her back. Meanwhile, the liberated slaves depart on a pair of speeder bikes. Echo and Omega return to the others. The clones gather as Wrecker and Muchi fight for dominance. Finally, Muchi collapses from exhaustion, and Wrecker pats her to sleep. Omega comments that Muchi is cute up close, while Hunter compliments Wrecker.

Later, Bib Fortuna visits Scaleback with two Gamorrean enforcers. Scaleback remarks that she is in the presence of Jabba's right hand man. Fortuna says that Jabba demands answers about his "precious" Muchi. Scaleback tells Bib to relax because she always keeps her promises. When Fortuna warns her about the consequences of failure, Scaleback tells Fortuna that this is a delicate mission and to tell Jabba to be patient.

Suddenly, they hear Muchi roaring in the background. Outside, Omega rides on Muchi's back while Wrecker strokes her muzzle. Fortuna rushes out to greet Muchi. Scaleback joins them and reassures Fortuna that all is well. As Fortuna leads Muchi home, the rancor bids the clones farewell. Echo tells Scaleback that she could have told them they were dealing with a rancor. Scaleback claims that it slipped her mind and ushers Hunter into her office.

Identity Revealed

Inside, Scaleback reveals to Hunter that the bounty hunter they encountered was Fennec Shand, explaining that she is new to the scene but has already proven herself to be ruthless and cunning. When Hunter asks who hired her, Scaleback says that her sources in the Bounty Hunters' Guild say that she is working on a direct commission. Scaleback warns Hunter that he will need friends and money, emphasizing the latter. Hunter admits they are not swimming in either. She then gives Hunter's share of the cut, telling him that more credits are available if he is looking for work. Hunter replies that he will think about it.

Scaleback remarks that they must be valuable for a hunter of Shand's caliber to be pursuing them. When Hunter frowns, Scaleback says she is good with secrets, prompting Hunter to scowl.


