
title: "Decommissioned"

The sixth installment of the web-TV animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch is entitled "Decommissioned." This specific episode became available on June 4 of 2021.

Official Episode Synopsis

The Batch, while engaged in a mission to secure a highly sought-after asset, finds themselves in competition with smugglers who are pursuing the same objective.

Detailed Plot Summary

Archery Training and a New Deal

A woman walks into Cid's Parlor on the planet of Ord Mantell, where Omega is practicing her aim with a Zygerrian energy bow. As Omega apologizes, her shot narrowly misses the patron, causing the patron to quickly exit. Encouraged by Echo, Omega takes another shot at a target painted on an old slot machine. She successfully hits it, to the delight of Bolo and Ketch, who exchange credit chips due to their bets on Omega's accuracy. Echo urges her to keep practicing, but Omega points out that she has only hit three out of twelve attempts. Echo counters that it is luck rather than skill, emphasizing the need for consistency in soldiers.

Omega takes another shot, but misses. When the Weequay starts laughing, Omega complains that her performance declined after their arrival. Echo advises her to ignore distractions, which can only be achieved through practice. She shoots again and misses. Wrecker remarks to Hunter that she lacks natural talent. Suddenly, Cid appears, playfully slapping Wrecker on the shoulder and declaring that playtime is over. After dismissing Bolo and Ketch, she informs the Bad Batch that they need to have a discussion.

Cid inquires whether they are familiar with a Separatist tactical droid. When Tech interrupts to explain that they were the operational brains of the Separatist military, Cid sharply reminds him that this is her briefing. Given the high value of tactical droid intelligence, she assigns the clones the task of infiltrating a decommissioning facility on Corellia to retrieve one before they are all destroyed.

When Hunter informs her that they are still considering whether to work for her, Cid proposes a "mutually beneficial arrangement" where both parties profit and she provides support. She argues that, given their current predicament, it is their best available option. Hunter sighs and agrees to commit the Bad Batch, and Cid reiterates that she had already informed them of their involvement. She also criticizes Omega's "weak noodle arms" as the reason for her poor archery, demonstrating her own skill by hitting three bullseyes before returning the weapon, declaring, "Lesson over."

The Mission on Corellia

The Bad Batch travels to Corellia on the Marauder, which is concealed beneath a class four container transport. Tech explains that this old trick allows them to bypass the planetary sensors, as Echo points out its familiarity. Omega questions why a tactical droid is more valuable than other droids. Echo explains that tactical droids learn and improve with each battle, leading to more victories, to which Wrecker responds, "Not against us!"

Tech notes that, with the clones now serving the Galactic Empire, knowledge of how to defeat them has become extremely valuable. Echo announces their approach to the decommissioning site and instructs them to land at the industrial dockyard to proceed on foot. Under the cover of darkness, Tech detaches from the container transport and lands in the dockyard.

The clones disembark and enter the industrial district of Coronet City, avoiding two patrolling police droids. Hunter points out that Cid did not mention the droids, but Tech notes their rotating quadrant scan pattern and advises exploiting a blind spot in their rotation, revealing an entrance. Tech leads the way to a ladder on the side of the building, leading to a door. Wrecker expresses his apprehension due to his fear of heights and brings up the rear as the team enters.

Inside the decommissioning plant, droid bodies are dropped onto a conveyor belt leading to a large smelter. The factory is staffed by workers wearing full masks and suits. Wrecker knocks out and hides a worker while exiting a doorway. The group navigates through a walkway. Hunter instructs Echo and Tech to locate and retrieve the droid, while Wrecker is assigned to provide cover from above. Wrecker complains that it used to be Crosshair's job, but Hunter clarifies that it is not a request. Omega asks about her role, and Hunter tells her to look for the target.

While the Clones move into position, she keeps watch in the walkway with a pair of macrobinoculars. She watches the clones climb up different staircases to different platforms. Hunter descends a flight of stairs and stuns two workers at a control panel. While Hunter keeps watch, Echo inserts his cybernetic tool arm into the control panel. Echo discovers that only one tactical droid is listed in the computer system, with the rest having been destroyed. He relays this information to the rest of the squad. Hunter emphasizes that they have only one chance and must succeed.

Involvement of the Martez Sisters

Echo reports that the droid was offloaded on the north-end conveyor. Meanwhile, Omega spots the tactical droid on a conveyor belt. Its head has been separated, and she sees a stranger take it and run. Despite Hunter's orders to stay hidden, Omega attempts to intervene but is stopped by a second figure, who tells her she doesn't think so. Omega aims her crossbow at her, but the figure removes her helmet, revealing herself as Rafa Martez. She says that she doesn't want to hurt her but that she can't have a kid getting in the way.

Just then, Rafa's sister Trace Martez contacts her by comlink, saying that she has gotten the target and asking where she is. Omega tells her not to answer that and prepares to draw her crossbow. Trace asks Rafa what is taking her so long as she descends down a flight of stairs. Trace runs into the other clones who hold her at gunpoint. Sensing that Omega is inexperienced with the crossbow, Rafa tries to sweet-talk her but then grabs the crossbow, causing Omega to fire a bolt which hits one of the vents and releases gas. Omega's energy bow is lost.

A worker spots the clones and reports a security breach. The workers flee behind a blast door while alarms ring. The Clones and the Martez sisters soon find themselves trapped inside the factory. Several police droids armed with blasters file into the factor. Rafa tells Omega to grab a weapon but Omega points out that she had one. From above, Wrecker mows down three security droids. Rafa takes the opportunity to flee.

Meanwhile, the other clones exchange fire with the police droids, using the spiral staircase around the control console as their stronghold. Omega pursues Rafa despite Hunter telling her that they already have the droid head. However, Trace takes the opportunity to flee. Trace tells Rafa that she has gotten the droid head and to meet them at the rendezvous. Hunter tasks the other clones with getting the lockdown lifted while he gets the droid's head.

Trace manages to throw the tactical droid's head to Rafa before Hunter can catch her. However, Rafa bumps into a police droid, causing her to drop the head onto a conveyor belt. Omega and Trace race for the head while Hunter shoots down a police droid that was approaching him and Rafa. When Rafa tells him not to expect any gratitude, Hunter asks if he should have let the droid shoot her. He shoots two more police droids converging on them.

The Chase for the Tactical Droid Head

Trace sprints through the conveyor belt to retrieve the tactical droid's head. Omega slides down a chute, somersaults and grabs the droid head before Trace can reach it. While Tech exchanges fire with a group of armed police droids, Echo attempts to release the doors with his droid arm. However, he causes the entire system to short-circuit. Echo responds he had to override the lockdown and calls for Wrecker to join them at the main control panel. Wrecker tries to join them but finds that the walkway has been retracted. Echo tells him to figure it out. Wrecker responds that it is easy for him to say as he gazes down at the burning smelter below.

Despite his fears and grumbles, Wrecker takes a leap and jumps onto a mechanical grabber, which he uses to swing across the platform. Wrecker bumps his head on a lever. Tech asks what he is waiting for and Wrecker pulls the lever and reactivates the conveyor belt. Meanwhile, Omega gets her leg trapped under a droid part. Trace snatches the tactical droid head and runs while Omega struggles. As Tech and Echo exchange fire with a police droid, Wrecker contorts in pain. Wrecker is shot down by two police droids and collapses onto the floor while shouting "good soldiers."

Hunter and Rafa are cornered by several converging police droids and they take cover. When Hunter asks why she is interested in a tactical droid head, she replies that it is not his business. Hunter disagrees. As the fighting continues, Trace climbs down a ladder and tells Rafa that she has gotten the target and to meet her at the north exit. Rafa replies that she is a little busy right now. Trace heads towards an elevator but hears Omega struggling to free herself on the conveyer belt. As the conveyer belt nears the smelter, Omega cries for help on her comlink.

Hunter replies that he is on his way before firing a grappling hook around the support posts. He then attaches the other end of the grappling hook onto a conveyor belt, intending to bring down the structure. This jams the conveyor belt and also brings down the walkway, crushing and scattering several of the police droids. Rafa falls off but lands on the conveyor belt. Hunter rushes towards the end of the conveyor belt where Omega is trapped. Rafa grumbles before joining Hunter.

Omega falls off the conveyor belt onto a second conveyor belt carrying droid parts. Trace calls out to Omega and extends her hand. Since Omega is not tall enough to reach Trace, Trace tells her to grab onto something. Omega finds an old B2-series super battle droid's leg and uses it as a lever for Trace to pull her up. Three police droids approach Trace and Omega but Hunter shoots them down before helping Trace to pull Omega out. Hunter reluctantly thanks Trace who says that she is welcome.


Just then, Rafa drops down in front of them but says she is fine. After shooting another police droid, she tells Hunter that the tactical droid belongs to them. Hunter says they can debate later but they have to work together to get out. Rafa reluctantly agrees. While Tech and Echo reunite with Hunter, Omega and the Martez sisters, a wounded Wrecker struggles to get up, while hearing flashbacks of Tech and Crosshair telling him that a good soldier never gives up.

Hunter warns the others that more police droids are headed their way. Trace and Rafa say that they need a diversion. When Trace asks if there is an echo in here, Echo identifies himself. Trace tells Echo that they need a diversion and that Omega can help with that. Trace uses a tool to tinker with the tactical droid's head, explaining that they can reactivate the decommissioned battle droids. When Hunter warns that reactivating the clankers is dangerous, Trace says not if they are controlling them. Tech agrees this is an excellent idea.

However, the tactical droid's signal is too weak to transmit. Tech boosts the signal with a power bank and a data rod. While Tech reprograms the tactical droid, Omega radios to Wrecker, telling him that they need his help. Wrecker climbs to his feet. Rafa is skeptical of her sister's plan but Trace says they need more time. As more police droids converge on the clones and Martez sisters, Wrecker jumps down and takes out several police droids. He is lively and humorous. Rafa admits she likes Wrecker's personality.

As Wrecker fights a second wave of droids, Tech finishes programing the tactical droid's head. Trace commands the droid to activate all battle droids to attack the police droids. The deactivated battle droids emerge from the conveyor belts and cranes to attack the police droids. The clones and Martez sisters take advantage of the gunfight to flee the decommissioning plant. Trace radios R7-A7 for a pickup and Omega retrieves her energy crossbow.

From Enemies to Allies

They run into more police droids who open fire on them. Trace drops the tactical droid head, destroying it. Omega uses her crossbow to take out more. As the battle droids mow down the police droids, the clones and Martez sisters flee aboard the Martez sisters' ship, the Silver Angel. While R7 pilots the ship, Trace grumbles about not being able to retrieve the tactical droid head. Omega says that Cid's buyer is going to be pissed.

Rafa asks the clones if they did not know who they were giving the information on the tactical droid's head to. Hunter says they are being paid to acquire and deliver, and not ask questions. Trace says that their contact is part of a movement that is fighting against the Empire to help people and make things better. When Rafa asks why the clones are not fighting for the Empire, Hunter says that not all clones fight for the Empire, adding that they are different. Rafa says she has heard that before.

Later, the Martez sisters drop the Bad Batch and Omega near the Marauder. Omega invites the sisters to visit them on Ord Mantell. When Trace points out that part of Ord Mantell is seedy, Omega confirms this is the case. Rafa encourages her to practice with the energy bow. After Omega leaves, Hunter passes Rafa a data rod containing the intelligence from the tactical droid before it was destroyed. When Rafa asks why he is giving it to them, Hunter replies that they are doing it for the right reasons.

When Rafa remarks that the clones are different, Hunter replies that things were clearer during the Clone Wars. Rafa advises that in the end they all take sides. As the Silver Angel takes off, Omega waves to Rafa. Omega and Hunter depart aboard the Marauder.

Aboard the Silver Angel, Rafa gets R7 to establish a hologram transmission to their contact. Rafa tells the individual they managed to obtain the intelligence from the tactical droid on Corellia with the help of a squad of rogue clones. She adds that she knows where to find them and that the unidentified person might want to know.

Canon Notes

Echo remarks that he never thought he would see battle droids helping him after the battle droids are reactivated and begin fighting the police droids. However, season three of Star Wars: The Clone Wars featured the Citadel arc, in which Echo was present and saw a squadron of reprogrammed battle droids fighting on the Republic's side, including participating in the landing pad firefight before Echo was blown up.

R7-A7's colors change between scenes: his first appearance shows his original green-white-red color scheme, but his second appearance shows him in black-and-orange.

Episode Credits

