"Battle Scars" marks the seventh installment of the web-TV animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on June 11, 2021.
In the vastness of space, the Marauder finds itself the target of three Rhokai gang starfighters in hot pursuit. Hunter, taking control of the rear gun, inquires about the time remaining before they can initiate a jump to hyperspace. Tech responds that the duration hinges on Echo's progress in activating the hyperdrive, a task the cyborg curtly acknowledges he is diligently working on. Omega, securely fastened beside a similarly secured cage, voices her concern that Ruby is becoming frightened, leading Wrecker to express his astonishment at her decision to name the lizard.
As the chase intensifies, Wrecker questions the motives of their attackers. Omega points out their act of theft, to which Tech retorts that the Rhokai were the original thieves of the lizard, and their actions are simply a matter of "intercepting" it. Hunter disagrees, noting that the Rhokai hold a different perspective. The lizard's cage tumbles, and the terrified lizard escapes, leaping onto Wrecker. As the large clone descends into panic, Omega urges him to remain calm, as he is frightening Ruby. Echo announces that the hyperdrive is ready just as Omega manages to secure Ruby back in her cage. Tech activates the ship's lever, propelling the Marauder into hyperspace.
Upon their return to Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch and Omega present Ruby to Cid, who comments on the lizard's peculiar appearance. Echo inquires about the client's intended use for the lizard, Cid speculates it could be for companionship or culinary purposes, but ultimately expresses her indifference. Hunter points out that the important thing is that she gets paid, a sentiment Cid echoes, adding that they too will receive compensation. Cid guides them to the back, with Echo and Tech following, carrying the caged lizard.
Hunter notices several patrons within Cid's Parlor, including a figure concealed by a hooded cloak. Omega and Wrecker request Hunter's permission to take some personal time, citing it as a cherished tradition. Hunter hesitantly agrees, cautioning them against an extended absence. The cloaked patron observes Omega and Wrecker while consuming a beverage. Inside Cid's office, the Trandoshan provides them with only a third of the initially agreed-upon credits. Hunter and Echo voice their objections, Cid retorts that she was promised triple the amount, not them. Echo questions the fairness of this arrangement, but Cid claims her generosity stems from the debt they owe her.
When Hunter demands clarification, she presents him with a datapad detailing docking fees, port charges, equipment costs, fuel expenses, rations, and 20 cartons of Mantell Mix. In the marketplace, Wrecker and Omega purchase two cartons of Mantell Mix from a Pantoran hawker. Upon being informed of the 14 credits due, Wrecker instructs the hawker to charge the expense to Cid's account.
Back at Cid's cantina, Bolo and Ketch confront the hooded stranger, with Bolo angrily asserting that the man is occupying his seat. The cloaked figure continues to sip his drink. The Weequay observes that he is being ignored, and the Ithorian repeats his demand for the stranger to vacate the seat.
Meanwhile, Cid informs Hunter, Echo, and Tech that while she appreciates their presence, she is not operating a charity. She emphasizes their need for a significant payout to settle their debts. Echo requests further explanation, Cid mentions that the tactical droid mission had the potential for substantial profit, but they bungled it up. Cid warns them to devise a solution before she reveals her unpleasant side, prompting Tech to make a remark about her physical appearance. Before Cid can respond, the sound of blaster fire erupts from within the bar.
Upon returning outside, the clones witness Bolo and Ketch fleeing upstairs. The hooded stranger rests his weapon on a nearby table. When Scaleback inquires about his identity, the stranger reveals himself as the former Clone Captain Rex. Cid expresses her displeasure at hosting another clone and cautions the Bad Batch against turning her establishment into a clone haven. As she sweeps, Cid grumbles that the clones behave as if they own the place.
As Hunter approaches Rex, Echo asks about the Captain's recent whereabouts. Rex replies that his story is lengthy. Later, Rex explains that he has been maintaining a low profile since the conclusion of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars]. Tech concurs, noting that Imperial records list Rex as having been killed in action. Rex responds that being considered deceased by the Galactic Empire offers certain advantages. When Echo asks how he located them, Rex reveals that Trace and Rafa Martez informed him about a squad of rogue clones who assisted them on Corellia. Adding that the sisters mentioned they were traveling with a kid, Rex asks who she is.
Hunter introduces Omega, explaining that she is a clone like them. At that moment, Wrecker and Omega arrive. Wrecker recognizes Rex and embraces him in a bear hug, prompting Rex to respond that it's good to see him too, albeit in a somewhat strained tone. Omega expresses surprise at Wrecker's happiness, commenting that she thought they disliked the regs, and Wrecker clarifies that he likes this one before releasing Rex. Hunter introduces Rex to Omega. Rex kneels to speak with Omega, remarking that he has encountered many clones but never one like her. Omega steps forward and deduces that Rex is a Generation One clone trooper based on the lines on his face. Amused, Rex quips that he has been around for a while.
Wrecker agrees before grimacing and touching his head, informing Tech that he requires another med patch. When Tech reminds Wrecker that he used the last one, Rex inquires about the problem. Wrecker dismisses it as merely a headache. When Echo observes that Wrecker's headaches are becoming more frequent, Rex becomes interested. Tech explains to Rex that their deviant nature appears to have impaired the functionality of their inhibitor chips, with the exception of Crosshair. Alarmed, Rex asks if they have not removed their chips.
When Tech confirms that this is the case, Rex slowly reaches for his blaster pistol. He asserts that the chips make them a danger to everyone, including Omega. When Rex describes them as ticking time bombs, Hunter tells him to calm down. Rex warns them that the inhibitor chips are perilous, having experienced Order 66. Rex is unwilling to bury any more of his brothers, stating that the chips are beyond their control, as he himself was unable to control his. He argues that the risk is too great. Omega looks to Hunter, who frowns. Hunter asks how they should remove their bio chips. Releasing his pistol, Rex responds that it is a valid question and that he will be in contact.
Subsequently, the Marauder journeys through hyperspace. As Wrecker clutches his head in pain, Omega assists Tech with some tools as he works on his chip scanner, with Gonky serving as a makeshift table. Wrecker voices his unease about the plan, but Hunter reminds him that they have agreed to meet Rex on Bracca. Wrecker complains that Rex intends to cut open his head, and Tech clarifies that the surgery applies to all of them. Omega corrects him, stating that she is exempt as she lacks an inhibitor chip.
Wrecker grumbles that it's unfair that Omega doesn't have a chip. When Hunter asks Tech about the progress of his brain scanner, Tech explains that since Rex's chip was removed, he was able to establish a baseline by comparing his brain scan to theirs; accounting for any cellular anomalies. Omega simplifies this by saying he is almost finished. Wrecker expresses his apprehension, but Hunter insists that they should trust Rex.
The Marauder enters the planet Bracca's atmosphere, flying over a starship salvage yard. Echo detects Rex's beacon. The ship lands amidst the wreckage of starships in a damaged hangar, adjacent to a Y-wing. Rex awaits their arrival and greets the Batch as they disembark. When Wrecker questions how a junk planet can assist them, Rex instructs the clones to follow him. The squad puts on their helmets and follows Rex up the ridge of a wrecked capital ship. Rex explains that while Bracca may appear unremarkable, it possesses precisely what they require.
Pointing to a wrecked Venator-class Star Destroyer in the distance, Rex reveals that he had his inhibitor chip removed on a Jedi Cruiser similar to that one. When Wrecker asks why they landed so far from the ship, Hunter spots something and warns everyone to take cover. As a hover barge passes by, Tech identifies it as belonging to the Scrapper Guild. Rex explains that they control the planet, which is why they landed where they did, emphasizing the need to avoid their patrols. The clones proceed deeper into the wreckage.
Rex tells Echo that Fives attempted to warn him about the chips, but he did not comprehend the significance at the time. Echo expresses his disbelief. Rex asks the Bad Batch how they discovered the chips. To Rex's surprise, Echo replies that Omega informed them. The clones ascend a partially submerged wrecked ship. Omega marvels at the Venator's size up close. Rex notes that the ship was among the first of its class off the assembly line, a parallel that Wrecker draws to Rex himself. As they pass a low-lying area filled with water, Hunter observes the swamp and senses movement, warning Tech to stay above the waterline.
Large avian creatures soar overhead as the clones navigate the wreckage, and they enter, with Rex leading the way across an improvised bridge. Traversing the ship's corridors, Rex remarks that the last time he was aboard a Jedi Cruiser, the experience was far from pleasant. Echo asks Rex how he managed to remove his chip, given his earlier statement about being unable to control it, to which Rex replies that he had help.
The clones encounter a large gap in the wreckage, extending down to the water below. Rex informs the others that the medical bay is on the opposite side and instructs Wrecker to retrieve a nearby cable when asked how they will cross. The clones traverse the gap by crawling along the cable, but Wrecker, the last to cross, is apprehensive due to his fear of heights, suggesting that the others leave him as his head no longer hurts. Omega encourages him not to look down. Wrecker eventually begins to cross, but his weight causes the cable to sag and ultimately snap, causing Wrecker to fall before finding himself dangling by one leg just above the water.
As the others inquire about his well-being, Omega spots a dark shape in the water below, and Hunter orders Wrecker to climb immediately. A tentacle of a dianoga emerges from the water and grabs Wrecker, who severs it with his vibro-knife as the others attempt to pull him up. However, more tentacles emerge from the water and seize Wrecker, dragging him underwater. After a moment of silence, Wrecker manages to surface and grab the cable, but the creature refuses to release him. As Rex, Hunter, and Tech pull Wrecker up, Echo fires on the creature, forcing it to release Wrecker. After Wrecker is pulled to safety, Rex quips that it makes them miss fighting clankers, and Wrecker agrees.
The clones proceed down a dark corridor and approach a chamber sealed by a partially opened blast door. Rex kneels to inspect the room, and several rodents scatter as they lift the door. Rex and Tech illuminate the derelict medical bay with their torches. Tech observes that the room is no longer sterile, but after Rex asks if he would prefer the facilities on Kamino, Tech concedes that this will suffice.
Echo begins calibrating the surgical pod with his mechanical arm while Tech prepares the equipment. As Omega watches with concern, Tech fits his chip scanner over Wrecker's head. Hunter places the squad's backpacks and helmets, including Wrecker's, at the side of the room. Omega expresses her concern to Hunter about the safety of the surgery, arguing that its success on Rex does not guarantee its success on the others. Rex counters that leaving the chips in is more dangerous, and Hunter agrees, telling Omega that they have to do it regardless of the risk.
Omega fears being orphaned if the procedure goes wrong, but Hunter reassures her that she's stuck with them and they aren't going anywhere. Tech locates Wrecker's inhibitor chip 90 degrees from his right orbital floor, below the parietal and temporal intersection. Suddenly, Wrecker removes the scanner and growls at Tech to remove the device from him. Omega calms him down, sensing that something is amiss. Rex quietly comments that they need to expedite the process, and Echo works on the controls. As the operating machine powers up, Rex informs the Bad Batch that they were fortunate, as very few clones were immune to the effects of Order 66.
Hunter recalls that when the regular clone troopers attacked the Jedi on Kaller, they did not understand the reason. Wrecker continues to groan in pain. Hunter recounts that they were unable to save the Jedi General, but they assisted her Padawan in escaping. Tech is about to inject Wrecker when the bigger clone grabs his wrist and has a sudden change in demeanor due to his inhibitor chip now taking complete control of him. Wrecker then begins choking Tech and states that he is in direct violation of Order 66. He lifts Tech and hurls him across the room.
Wrecker dons his helmet and retrieves his blaster rifle. He confronts Rex, who reaches for one of his blaster pistols. Wrecker knocks the gun from Rex's hand as he fires a stun blast, sending it into a light. Hunter grabs Omega and shelters her as the clones take cover as Wrecker begins firing at them. Echo expresses concern that he will destroy the medical equipment if he stays in the room. Hunter decides they should draw him out, telling Omega to stay with the unconscious Tech. He throws a canister at Wrecker, which he destroys with his blaster, filling the room with smoke that allows the clones to retreat from the room.
Wrecker follows them into the corridor, exchanging fire with Rex. Hunter throws his vibroblade at Wrecker, causing him to drop his blaster. Echo faces Wrecker with a canister as an improvised shield, but the bigger clone hurls him at Rex, which knocks both of them out. Hunter fights Wrecker with another canister and manages to knock off his helmet before Wrecker stabs it with his knife, causing him to drop it as it spews its contents. Jumping on Wrecker's back, Hunter attempts to render him unconscious while yelling at him to snap out of it, but the larger clone pins him against a wall. He proceeds to choke Hunter, saying that all clones in violation of Order 66 should be terminated.
Omega shoots at Wrecker from behind with his blaster, causing Wrecker to drop Hunter. Wrecker confronts Omega, and she flees down the corridor but reaches a blast door. As Wrecker approaches, she manages to slide under the door. Before she can find another exit, Wrecker enters the room. Omega takes cover under a sheet of scrap metal. Wrecker searches the room for Omega, but a frightened rat flees the first spot he checks. Wrecker soon finds Omega and faces her. Omega tries to reason with Wrecker, telling him it is the inhibitor chip and not his will. Wrecker denounces her as a traitor and says she should be terminated. Omega pleads with him to stop, begging him that she does not want to hurt him. Before she can shoot him, he grabs the rifle. Wrecker says that "good soldiers follow orders" before raising his blaster. However, a slightly injured Rex stuns him from behind.
Later, the clones surround the surgical pod as Wrecker lies inside. As the machine operates on Wrecker, Echo asks if the procedure is supposed to take this long. Rex says he doesn't know since he has never been on the operating side before. Omega looks distraught while Hunter watches vigilantly. Tech says the procedure is complete and brings Wrecker out.
Omega tries to wake Wrecker, but he doesn't respond. Tech says that Wrecker is unconscious and his vitals have not yet stabilized. Rex speaks to Hunter, telling him it could take a while for Wrecker to regain consciousness and suggesting that he take Omega topside for some air. However, Omega insists on staying with Wrecker until he wakes up, pulling up a chair to sit next to him.
Later, Rex stands alone in the door of the medical bay, gazing pensively at his helmet, while the others are gathered around Wrecker, some of them having fallen asleep. Wrecker wakes up and tousles Omega's hair, asking why the long face. Omega is delighted and the Bad Batch welcome their comrade back. Holding up Tech's scanner, Rex says one chip down and three to go before asking who is next.
Later, Tech emerges from the operating tunnel, touching his bandaged head. A guilt-ridden Wrecker lays a reassuring hand on Omega. He apologizes for what happened, saying that he tried to control it but that he couldn't make it stop. Omega understands and says it is okay. She treats him to some Mantell Mix for ending the mission, because it's a tradition, and the two eat.
Meanwhile, outside the Star Destroyer, Rex talks to someone on his wrist comm, saying that he will meet them at the rendezvous by the next rotation. Hunter approaches, having figured that Rex is not yet out of the fight. Rex says he spent his life defending the Galactic Republic, so he's not going to stop now. Hunter points out that the Republic is gone, but Rex counters that not all of it is, saying they are both still here, and others are out there too. He believes that the Bad Batch's skills will be a tremendous asset.
Hunter says things have changed, adding that Omega needs them and that he has to do what is best for the squad. Rex asks what that is, and Hunter says he is still figuring that out. Rex tells them to let him know when they have sorted their lives out. He tells the boys he will see them around and to stay out of trouble. The two troopers bid each other farewell. Hunter tells Rex that if he is ever in a bind, he knows how to reach them. After exchanging a nod, Rex disappears into the nighttime fog.

Unbeknownst to the clones, a Scrapper Guild patrol observes them through macrobinoculars. One scrapper informs his colleague of the intruders aboard the cruiser and orders that the Empire be alerted.
During his time at the bar, Rex's wrist comm is mistakenly placed on his left wrist instead of his right, a detail that remains uncorrected until Wrecker and Omega's return. In that same scene, the surgical scar on his right temple is depicted as healed, with his hair having regrown around it. However, upon meeting the Bad Batch on Bracca, Rex's scar is shown as fresher, with his hair shaved back around the wound. During the group's attempt to evade a Scrapper Guild patrol, Rex's kama is absent in the shot of the group looking up from below.
Echo sports a bandage on his temple both when activating the surgical pod and when working at the controls after Wrecker's headache intensifies, despite not having undergone inhibitor chip removal yet.
Wrecker is seen without his backpack during his rampage, but it reappears in a shot during his pursuit of Omega.
"Battle Scars," primarily taking place on Bracca, debuted on June 11, 2021. This date coincided with the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S launch of the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, for which Bracca was originally created.