Chip scanner

The chip scanner was a device conceived by the renegade former clone commando Tech not long after the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Its purpose was to observe the functionality of the behavioral modification biochips implanted in clone troopers. Despite the fact that most of Clone Force 99, his team, were resistant to the mind control exerted by Order 66, which activated the chips and turned the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic against their Jedi commanders, Tech desired to confirm that their chips were truly non-functional.

The damage sustained during a gunfight caused the transport of the squad, the Marauder, to crash-land on the Ordo Moon, forcing Tech to delay the construction of the device. Tech, eventually believing the chips posed no threat to the remaining members of the Bad Batch, did not complete the scanner until the squad reunited with their friend, the rogue clone Captain Rex. Rex was astonished that they had not removed their chips given the potential danger they posed. Subsequently, the Batch met up with Rex on Bracca so they could remove their chips, and Tech finalized the scanner during their journey.

Because Rex had his chip removed, Tech was able to create a control by comparing Rex's brain scan to theirs, while accounting for cellular variations. Once inside a destroyed Venator-class Star Destroyer, the group made their way to a medical bay where Echo started to configure the surgical pod and Tech placed his chip scanner over Wrecker's head. Connected to his tablet, Tech discovered Wrecker's inhibitor chip was located 90 degrees from his right orbital floor, beneath the parietal and temporal intersection.

