The D1-series aerial battle droid, also known by designations such as the D-wing air support droid, D-wing security droid, or simply the D-wing droid, represented an aerial battle droid of the D1-series and a specific variation within the B-series droid product line. These droids possessed wings enabling them to pursue adversaries into terrains inaccessible to standard battle droids. Their development was undertaken by the Techno Union, operating from a facility situated on the planet of Skako Minor. They saw action throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars conflict.

D1-series aerial battle droids functioned as security droids, originating as an experimental project conducted by the Techno Union around the year 26 BBY. Subsequently, the Techno Union aligned itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, deploying these droids in service to the Separatist cause. The droids were assigned security roles at the Techno Union installation located within the city of Purkoll on Skako Minor.
D-wing droids were a specialized type of battle droid belonging to the B-series droid lineage. Equipped with integrated blasters, they were capable of entering flight mode via deployable wings. Their programming mirrored that of the prevalent Separatist B1-series battle droid, exhibiting a similar overall appearance aside from a distinct head shape.
During the Clone Wars conflict, specifically in 22 BBY, D-wing air support droids were utilized by Minister Wat Tambor at the airborne city of Nexus to safeguard against incursions. However, the clone trooper squad known as the Wolfpack, comprising Clone Commander Wolffe, Clone Sergeant Sinker, Clone Corporal Comet, and clone trooper Boost, successfully breached Nexus's defenses and liberated the city's custodian, Orkle.
Near the conclusion of the Clone War during the Outer Rim Sieges, the clone commandos of Clone Force 99, under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex of the 501st Legion, infiltrated the Techno Union's base with the objective of rescuing ARC trooper Echo, who had been captured and presumed killed in action. D-wing droids were dispatched to kill the invading forces, but their efforts proved unsuccessful, resulting in Echo's successful extraction. Following the escape of the rescue team to the nearby Poletec village, a larger contingent of D-wing droids—accompanied by two octuptarra magna tri-droids—engaged the Republic forces in battle. With the assistance of the local Poletecs, the Republic forces triumphed over the Separatist forces.
D-wing air support droids made their initial appearance in the incomplete version of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "A Distant Echo." The droids reappeared in the unfinished iteration of "On the Wings of Keeradaks." Finished versions of these episodes started being released in February of 2020 on the Disney+ streaming service, marking the completed render debut of the D-wings.