The Pantoran Security Force served as the primary law enforcement agency located on the moon of Pantora.
This security force operated on Pantora, a moon that orbits the planet known as Orto Plutonia; the Pantoran Security was its law enforcement agency. The officers consisted of Pantoran law enforcement guards who utilized specialized police speeder bikes, swords, and blaster pistols. Their uniforms bore resemblance to those of the Pantoran guard, however, they were distinguished by a red-and-blue clothing scheme.
The Pantoran Security was in operation from the early years of the Imperial Era, following the transition of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. During this time, the renegade Imperial unit Clone Force 99 was pursued by the bounty hunter Fennec Shand throughout Ro Station, which was located on the moon.
Following a confrontation between Shand and squad leader "Hunter" of Clone Force 99, three Pantoran Security guards responded to a public disturbance, described as a 315 in progress, within the central marketplace. While Shand and Hunter, who was trying to save her, were chasing Omega from Clone Force 99 on speeders, two guards observed the chase and began their own pursuit using police speeders. Shand then shot and killed one of the pursuing guards, causing a crash into the second guard; the resulting collision with a building caused both vehicles to explode. After Hunter successfully rescued Omega and destroyed Shand's speeder using a pyro denton explosive, an additional four guards arrived on the scene with police speeders.