
Yalbec were a species of insectoid beings native to the world of Yalbec Prime. During the Clone Wars period, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, some Yalbec took part in an Insurrection on Yalbec Prime, leading to a confrontation with the Republic's specialized Clone Force 99.

Biology and appearance

The biological makeup of the Yalbec included at least two distinct sexes: male and female. Certain females were designated as queens and were equipped with stingers. Male members of the species could only be killed by bladed weapons. In some instances, if a queen's stinger was severed, males would try to mate with nearby organisms. The stingers from Yalbec queens were considered a delicacy on several planets.


Wrecker, a clone commando who cut off a Yalbec queen's stinger

During the time of the Clone Wars, which was a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, an insurrection arose on Yalbec Prime. This event resulted in the Republic dispatching an elite clone troopers unit, Clone Force 99, to suppress the uprising. The clones engaged with a group of Yalbec while attempting to quell the insurrection. Wrecker, a clone, severed the stinger of a living Yalbec queen. This action caused several male Yalbec to attempt to mate with the clones, an action that Hunter misinterpreted as an attempt to consume them. The fight with the Yalbec caused a delay in the clones' journey to the planet Anaxes for their subsequent mission. Upon arrival, Hunter and Wrecker shared the story of their encounter with the Yalbec with clones CC-2224, CT-5597, CT-6116, and CT-7567. During the retelling, Tech, another member of Force 99, corrected Hunter, clarifying that the male Yalbec were attempting to mate with them, not eat them.

Behind the scenes

The Yalbec were initially referenced in "The Bad Batch," an episode from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. The episode was originally planned as the premiere for the show's seventh season; however, The Clone Wars was canceled before its completion and release. The unfinished story reels of these episodes were then presented at Celebration Anaheim in 2015, and later released on StarWars.com as part of The Clone Wars Legacy. The finalized version of the episode was eventually released as part of the show's seventh and concluding season in 2020.

