Unidentified clone trooper (cafeteria)

A member of the Imperial Army, specifically a clone trooper, had a confrontation with Omega, a clone who was genetically altered, and the members of Clone Force 99. This [trooper](/article/trooper], like all clone troopers serving in the Grand Army of the Republic, was created using the genetic template of Jango Fett. Following the end of the Clone Wars and the Galactic Republic's reorganization into the Galactic Empire, these clones were integrated into the new Imperial Military.

This particular trooper was stationed at Tipoca City, a cloning center located on the planet of Kamino, when he had his run-in with Clone Force 99. The event took place in the facility's cafeteria, where he made fun of Omega and the clone commandos who differed genetically from other clones due to mutations in their [DNA](/article/dna]. Offended by the clone's behavior, Omega retaliated by throwing her food at him, which struck the trooper in the back of the head. Clone Sergeant "Hunter" tried to calm things down, but "Wrecker," a member of his squad, then threw his own tray at the trooper. The situation escalated into a full-blown brawl in the cafeteria between Clone Force 99 and the other clones of Jango Fett.


During the final days of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, this clone trooper was assigned to the Tipoca City cloning facility located on the world of Kamino. In the aftermath of the conflict that spanned the galaxy, the clone trooper and his fellow clones—who had previously served as soldiers in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic—became part of the Imperial Army after Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine declared himself to be the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Shortly after, the clone went to the cafeteria to eat. As he walked past the table where Clone Force 99 were sitting, he noticed that Doctor Nala Se's medical aide, the genetically altered clone Omega, was with them. This made the clone jokingly refer to her as the newest member of the "Sad Batch."

A food fight erupted among the clones after a clone trooper hurled insults at Clone Force 99.

Omega considered the genetically defective clones to be her friends, so she threw some of her food at the clone when he wasn't looking, causing it to hit his face and armor. The clone trooper was annoyed, and he approached their table again, but Clone Sergeant "Hunter," the commanding officer of Clone Force 99, stopped him. Hunter calmed the situation down for a moment, but then "Wrecker" threw an entire tray of food at the trooper, and the cafeteria descended into a brawl. During the chaos, Hunter punched the trooper in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

Prime Minister Lama Su and Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin witnessed the incident in the cafeteria. Even though the Imperial officer planned to use a service conscription force to replace the clone army for financial reasons, he decided to evaluate the skills of Clone Force 99 to see if they could be useful in the Imperial Army.

Personality and traits

The clone trooper made jokes at the expense of Clone Force 99, calling them a "defect squad."

Being a clone of Jango Fett, the trooper was a human male who was 1.83 meters tall with black [hair](/article/hair], brown [eyes](/article/eye], and tan skin. Following the Great Jedi Purge, this clone became part of a group of "fully conforming clone troopers," their individuality—which had grown under the influence of the Jedi Order—suppressed by the behavioral modification biochips in their [brains](/article/brain]. He was genetically identical to the standard clone troopers, and therefore considered the members of Clone Force 99 to be a squad of defective clones because of their genetic differences that made them different from the rest of the clone army. His views on Clone Force 99 also applied to Omega, Nala Se's assistant, whom the trooper mocked as a "lab scrabber."

The clone trooper was humorous in his disdain for genetically defective clones, laughing at his own jokes as he teased Omega and Clone Force 99, whom he called "the Sad Batch," a play on their nickname "the Bad Batch." He became aggressive towards Omega when the youngling clone threw her food at him to defend her new friends. Although the trooper initially backed down because of Hunter's intervention, he also scolded Omega by telling her to "know her place."


Omega's food splattered on the clone trooper's armor.

This clone trooper was equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, the standard armor worn by clones during the Clone Wars and the early years of the Emperor's rule. Like other clones, he did not wear his helmet when he was off-duty during his hours. His clone trooper armor had the standard all-white look, unlike the armor of the once individualistic clones, who had customized their armor before their inhibitor chips were activated through Order 66. The armor was stained with food after Omega and Wrecker threw their food trays at the trooper who was taunting them.

Behind the scenes

The clone trooper was in "Aftermath," the first episode of the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series on Disney+ that aired on May 4, 2021. Dee Bradley Baker voiced the clone, as he did for every clone trooper in The Bad Batch and the other animated series, including Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

