Lal Grallik, also known as Boss Lal, was a Besalisk female who held the position of manager at Moonglow Polychemical, which operated on both Gorse and Cynda. Her spouse was Gord Grallik. After informing Count Vidian that she couldn't meet the Imperial thorilide production target, she was forcibly submerged in a tank of xenoboric acid by Vidian, resulting in her death.
Lal Grallik served as the primary Officer in charge of Operations for Moonglow Polychemical. This refinery business was located in Shaketown on the planet Gorse, and it had formerly been part of a larger organization called Introsphere. Lal's husband was Gord Grallik, a male Besalisk who oversaw ground security for Moonglow. Lal had dedicated over two decades to working at the Moonglow refinery and took great pride in its operational efficiency. The Galactic Empire moved its thorilide mining operations to the moon Cynda, previously a tourist spot, due to the depletion of thorilide resources on Gorse.
In the year 11 BBY, Boss Lal visited a mining location on Cynda and was confronted by Skelly, a Gorsian miner with dissenting opinions and a veteran of the Clone Wars. Skelly attempted to persuade Lal to halt blasting activities beyond Zone Forty-Two so he could investigate the impacts of thorilide mining. Lal disregarded his concerns and instead attended to Kanan Jarrus, the pilot who had delivered a shipment of Baradium-357 explosives for the blasting. Unbeknownst to Lal, Kanan was a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge. While Lal engaged in a call on an Imperial channel, Skelly tried to reason with Kanan, but his efforts were futile.
Later, Lal contacted the Imperial Count Denetrius Vidian after a recovery squad apprehended Skelly on Cynda. Skelly opposed thorilide mining on the fragile moon, which had once been a pristine sanctuary. He had detonated explosives and attacked Imperial stormtroopers before being captured by a recovery team that included Kanan, who was angered by Skelly's actions. During their hologram conversation, Lal, visibly anxious, provided Vidian with the history of her company, unaware that he was responsible for a critical report that halted all surface thorilide mining on Gorse.
Upon Vidian's announcement that he would commence his inspection at Moonglow, she pleaded for additional time to prepare. Vidian granted her twelve hours but cautioned that her efforts to capture the "saboteur" would not grant her company any leniency. Her spouse, Gord, and a gagged Skelly were present during the conversation. After Lal instructed her spouse to remove Skelly's gag, the dissident miner questioned why she hadn't allowed him to speak with Vidian. Lal responded that she was afraid of Vidian. Lal and Gord then left the room to prepare the firm for inspection while ignoring Skelly's threats to expose their use of Baradium-357 in the mining of Cynda.
Before Lal and Gord could initiate the cleanup of the firm, a criminal organization known as the Sarlaccs absconded with their hovertruck and exchanged gunfire with Gord and his security personnel. Subsequently, a rebel named Hera Syndulla seized the opportunity to liberate Skelly. An embarrassed Moonglow was then compelled to report the loss of their fugitive to Commander Nibiru Chamas and Captain Rae Sloane, who were in command of the Star Destroyer Ultimatum, the vessel that had transported Vidian to the Gorse system. Within the subsequent twelve hours, Vidian and Sloane journeyed to Moonglow aboard the Imperial shuttle Truncheon.
The Gralliks, along with the Mayor of Shaketown, extended a welcome to Vidian and his entourage on the street outside Moonglow's front gate. Following a brief but tense exchange, Lal guided Vidian and his entourage on a tour of her refinery. Despite Gord's stringent security measures, the rebel Hera and her companion Kanan successfully infiltrated the facility aboard a hover bus transporting the next shift of workers to Cynda. Hera's objective was to tail Vidian and uncover the true purpose behind his visit to Gorse. Furthermore, Skelly, the fugitive, managed to infiltrate the facility with assistance from Drakka, the Besalisk diner owner whose business had been disrupted by the arrival of the Imperial shuttle. Skelly's intention was to reason with Vidian and halt all thorilide mining on Cynda.
While showcasing her company's latest heavy-duty bulk-loader vehicle to Count Vidian, Lal received a report from her husband regarding an intruder lurking around the plant's personnel department. While Lal led Sloane inside the vehicle, Vidian remained outside. At that juncture, Skelly materialized and attempted to persuade Vidian to cease mining on Cynda, even presenting a holodisk for the Count's perusal. However, Vidian assaulted Skelly and attempted to kill him. Skelly managed to escape through the factory's conveyer belt system before Lal and Sloane could apprehend him.
After apologizing for Skelly's interruption, Lal resumed her tour of the refinery. She displayed her vats of xenoboric acid to the Count, which were employed to dissolve the thorilide crystals for processing. Vidian criticized her utilization of droids for the refinery work, arguing that organics would maintain their balance more effectively. Lal countered that it was too perilous for sentient beings to fall into the acid. Vidian then coldly asserted that organics would dissolve faster than droids, which would efficiently clear the vat of impurities faster then having to fish out droid parts and thus quickly return the vat to production. At that point, Vidian was contacted by his rival Baron Lero Danthe, who informed him that the Emperor Palpatine had tripled Gorse's thorilide quota. When Lal informed him that Moonglow (nor any other company on the planet) could not possibly meet the new quota, he threw her into one of the xenoboric acid vats. As she was screaming, Vidian found a skimmer pole nearby and used it to push her under the surface.
Lal perished within minutes due to the potent acid. Hera witnessed her murder and subsequently informed her husband Gord, preventing him from leaping into the vat in a futile rescue attempt. While Gord initially dismissed the intruder's account, he changed his mind after observing the security monitors. An enraged Gord then confronted Vidian and attempted to arrest him but was beaten up the Count's stormtroopers. After Skelly destroyed Vidian's shuttle, the Count and his remaining entourage including Sloane traveled to the local Imperial spaceport where another shuttle was waiting. Gord followed him there and attacked Vidian. However, the cybernetic Count beat him to death. Following Lal's death, the Empire concealed the truth by asserting that an earthquake had caused her to fall into the acid vat. Vidian later exploited a test explosion on Cynda as a pretext for nationalizing Moonglow's assets.
As a businesswoman, Lal Grallik took pride in her role as the Chief Operations Officer of Moonglow Polychemical, a modest refinery enterprise situated in Gorse City. She held her company's machinery and facilities, including its xenorobic acid tanks, in high regard. Lal exhibited a lack of concern regarding the environmental harm inflicted upon Gorse's moon Cynda by thorilide mining operations. Nevertheless, Lal implemented safety enhancements at her Shaketown refinery, which subsequently became the benchmark for all other factories on Gorse. The Empire upheld Lal's commitment to safety following her demise.
Lal deeply loved her husband Gord, who assisted her in managing Moonglow Polychemical. The couple employed several cousins to aid in the operation and maintenance of their refinery. Lal also harbored a profound fear of the Imperial management expert Count Vidian and was particularly disturbed by his remark concerning the faster dissolution of organics in xenorobic acid compared to droids. Despite her managerial and interpersonal skills, she was unable to satisfy the homicidal Vidian, who heartlessly murdered her after she was unable to fulfill the Empire's new thorilide quota.
Lal Grallik made her debut as a supporting character in John Jackson Miller's 2014 novel A New Dawn, the inaugural Canon novel produced in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group. Her dialogue is primarily conveyed through the perspectives of various characters, including Skelly, Denetrius Vidian, and Hera Syndulla.