Nibiru Chamas, a male in his forties, held the rank of commander within the Galactic Empire's Navy. His service record includes working alongside Imperial Captain Rae Sloane during the Gorse Conflict. This conflict culminated in the demise of Imperial Count Denetrius Vidian and the ascendancy of Baron Lero Danthe to control of the thorilide industry within the Gorse system.
During the Age of the Empire, Nibiru Chamas functioned as an Imperial commander. Serving nine years after the Galactic Empire's formation, he was stationed aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Ultimatum, operating under the command of acting-Captain Rae Sloane during its journey to the planet Gorse. Upon their arrival in the Gorse system, the Star Destroyer narrowly avoided a collision with a passing freighter, the Cynda Dreaming. Subsequently, Sloane issued an order for local pilots to maintain distance. This directive was countermanded by the industrialist Denetrius Vidian, a passenger on the Ultimatum, who asserted that the Imperials should avoid the locals to prevent hindering industrial progress. Sloane instructed Chamas to position their vessel a kilometer away from all commercial traffic routes and to monitor all traffic.
Vidian then connected a command console's output directly to his optical implants, enabling him to monitor local traffic personally. While the industrialist was occupied, Chamas engaged in a hushed conversation with Sloane regarding rumors surrounding Vidian. However, the cyborg overheard them and admonished them for wasting time. He then commanded Chamas to order the gunnery crew to target the Cynda Dreaming, citing its damage as a cause of traffic obstruction. After confirming with Sloane, Chamas issued the order, resulting in the vessel's destruction.
Chamas and Sloane remained on the Ultimatum while Vidian inspected Gorse's moon Cynda, the location of significant Empire-operated thorilide mining activities. Later, Vidian altered his plans to include a visit to Gorse itself. On the night before the scheduled tour, Chamas and Sloane discussed their assessments of the work-obsessed cyborg, who had implemented a series of severe measures intended to accelerate economic output in the Gorse system. During their discussion, Chamas reported that Vidian had devised new traffic patterns for cargo ships traveling between the two celestial bodies and had modified the subroutines of the loader droids on Cynda to enhance their efficiency. Chamas even joked that Vidian had altered the color of the plates in the communal dining area.
Chamas also informed Sloane that Vidian had mandated a review of Transcept Media Solutions's staff and ordered the detention of one staff member due to "suspicious activity." While discussing Vidian's planned tour of Gorse, he noted that the Count had restructured three guilds, consolidated multiple equipment manufacturers into a single entity, and even closed a medcenter. Unbeknownst to the Imperial officers, Vidian had shut down the medcenter to conceal his former identity as the safety inspector Lemuel Tharsa, who was rumored to be alive and listed as a mining consultant on the Ultimatum's manifest. Chamas further reported that Vidian had been in frequent contact with his main office on Calcoraan Depot and that the cyborg never slept. He informed Sloane that Vidian had wrecked his personal quarters, leading them to conclude that Vidian had experienced a fit of rage.
The two then discussed Vidian's alleged background as a Corellian shipbuilding engineer who had contracted Shilmer's syndrome before reinventing himself as a management consultant and entrepreneur. Suspecting a connection between Vidian and the shipbuilding industry and the Admiralty, Chamas inquired whether the Count could secure Sloane's permanent assignment to the Ultimatum by offering the ship's Captain Yale Karlsen a comfortable position within one of his subsidiaries. When Sloane questioned Vidian's decision to commence his tour at the small refinery Moonglow Polychemical, Chamas briefed the Captain that it was the same company that had captured and lost the rogue miner Skelly several hours prior. The two agreed to protect Vidian while demanding royalties from his next biography.
Commander Chamas remained aboard the Ultimatum while Captain Sloane accompanied Count Vidian on his tour of Moonglow Polychemical's refinery. Despite the security measures implemented by both Sloane and Moonglow, Skelly successfully infiltrated the factory and attempted to dissuade Vidian from mining Cynda, citing the moon's fragile surface. Vidian retaliated, leading to two assassination attempts by Skelly. Skelly escaped with the assistance of the rebel Hera Syndulla and the freight pilot Kanan Jarrus, a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge. Utilizing Skelly's research, Vidian decided to curtail his tour and return to the Ultimatum.
Abandoning his planned tour of Gorse's other refineries, Chamas wanted to destroy Cynda under the pretext of making it easier to harvest the planet's thorilide reserves and meeting the Emperor's new thorilide quota. Employing his fictitious consultant "Lemuel Tharsa" to fabricate a controlled bombing test result on Cynda, Vidian successfully persuaded Captain Sloane and her science officer Lieutenant Kanna Deltic to endorse his scheme. Subsequently, Sloane redirected all mining cargo ships in the Gorse system to travel to the Calcoraan Depot, where Vidian maintained substantial reserves of Baradium-357, an explosive substance that the Count intended to use to obliterate Cynda.
During the journey, Chamas remained on the Ultimatum's bridge as Captain Sloane led the mining fleet to the Calcoraan system. He expressed concern regarding Deltic's insensitive remarks about the devastation on Gorse that would result from Cynda's destruction. After Deltic departed the bridge, he referred to her as "Lieutenant Stangechild" and informed Sloane that she had received an important call from Baron Lero Danthe. Danthe, Vidian's business rival, had secretly enlisted Chamas as an informant. In his role as first officer, Chamas provided information on Vidian's plans and operations.
While Sloane visited Vidian's Calcoraan Depot, Chamas remained aboard the Ultimatum, monitoring the loading of the cargo freighters. Simultaneously, his commanding officer and Vidian were confronted and incapacitated by the rebels Kanan, Hera, Skelly, and Zaluna Myder, a former Transcept employee who had agreed to assist the rebels following her dismissal. While Vidian was unconscious, Kanan informed Sloane that Vidian had manipulated the test results to falsely indicate that Cynda's thorilide reserves would not disintegrate after the moon's destruction. The original report indicated the opposite. Vidian sought to capitalize on the temporary boom for his comet-mining business and to discredit Sloane and his rival Danthe when Cynda's thorilide reserves were depleted.
Given that Vidian's actions jeopardized Imperial strategic assets, Sloane returned to the Ultimatum, where Chamas established a secure connection with Baron Danthe, utilizing the contact information provided by the latter. While involving a civilian in a security matter was unconventional, Danthe was the only individual with a potential means of directly contacting the Emperor or his subordinates. After Vidian regained consciousness, the Imperials and the mining fleet returned to the Gorse system. Aware of Vidian's deception, Sloane and Chamas maintained the pretense of supporting Vidian's plan.
During the mining fleet's return voyage to the Gorse system, Chamas served on the bridge of the Ultimatum alongside Captain Sloane. Before Vidian could execute his plans, the rebels managed to disrupt the loading process and board his ship, the Forager. Chamas was present during the skirmish and informed Sloane when she received a "priority-one" message from the Emperor, instructing her to halt the planned detonation of Cynda. In Sloane's absence, Chamas oversaw the efforts to establish a link between the Ultimatum and the Forager's detonation control. Upon Sloane's return, Chamas, along with Baron Danthe, were present when Sloane ordered her crew to sever the Detonation Control link to the Forager and issued orders for Vidian's arrest.
When the Count defied Captain Sloane and revealed that his crew could remotely restore the Detonation Control link, Sloane ordered her forces to attack Vidian's ship and crew. Chamas witnessed the Ultimatum and the Imperial fleet's bombardment of the Forager. This bombardment ended Vidian's plot to destroy Cynda. The Count himself was killed by a vindictive Skelly while the other rebels manged to flee in an escape pod.
Following Vidian's death, Commander Chamas and Captain Sloane attended a formal ceremony to commemorate the opening of Gorse's sunward side to thorilide mining. Vidian's rival, Baron Danthe, was granted control of all mining operations in the Gorse system and decided to utilize his companies' heat-resistant mining drones. Cynda was also designated as a natural sanctuary. Additionally, Sloane was granted permanent Captaincy of the Ultimatum. Chamas visibly expressed disappointment at being overlooked for promotion once again and refrained from speaking with Sloane during a party held to celebrate Danthe's mining project.
Chamas possessed a penchant for gossip, which contributed to his being surpassed in promotions by younger officers on multiple occasions. He expressed shock when Vidian ordered the destruction of the Cynda Dream for impeding traffic flow, but complied with the order upon confirmation from Sloane. In his capacity as first officer, Chamas leveraged his position to assist his friend Baron Danthe in spying on his rival Count Vidian and investigating his deceptive practices, including his fictitious consultant "Lemuel Tharsa." Chamas's decision to serve as Danthe's informant was driven by personal gain. He displayed visible dissatisfaction at being passed over for promotion in favor of Sloane, who secured permanent Captaincy of the Ultimatum due to her role in thwarting Vidian's scheme to defraud the Emperor.
Nibiru Chamas made his debut appearance in A New Dawn, a 2014 novel authored by John Jackson Miller and the inaugural installment in a new line of Canon novels. Chamas played a supporting role, with his dialogue presented through the perspective of Rae Sloane, another secondary character in the novel.