Drakka, a male Besalisk, was the proprietor and head chef of a diner located on the planet of Gorse. His culinary expertise ensured the continued success of the establishment for a number of years, a feat matched by his formidable physical prowess, which served to deter criminal elements such as the Chagrian named Charko. The arrival of an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, which landed directly in front of his diner, forced Drakka to cease operations for a day. Seeking retribution for this disruption, Drakka later assisted the explosives specialist Skelly in arranging a meeting with the Imperial forces. The subsequent destruction of Drakka's Diner occurred when the Imperial shuttle detonated, leading the Besalisk to directly confront the Imperials regarding the damage inflicted upon his property.
Residing on the planet Gorse, the male Besalisk known as Drakka was the owner and cook of a diner in Gorse City called Drakka's Diner. Situated on Bogan Boulevard, the diner was just meters from Moonglow Polychemical, a business owned by Drakka's relative, Lal Grallik, whose spouse, Gord Grallik, was the security chief for Moonglow. The diner operated for numerous years, enduring periods of financial difficulty; however, Drakka's cooking abilities and physical strength prevented its closure. Kanan Jarrus, a pilot employed by Moonglow, was a frequent patron and became acquainted with Drakka. Approximately eleven years before the Battle of Yavin, Jarrus was dining at Drakka's when the Chagrian criminal Charko attempted to provoke him into a confrontation outside. Fearing Drakka, Charko hesitated to enter the diner, and upon seeing the Besalisk preparing to arm himself, the criminal quickly retreated. Jarrus finished his meal but departed without paying, prompting Drakka to stop him as he left the building.

Later that day, the Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, named Cudgel, touched down on Bogan Boulevard to retrieve the fugitive explosives expert Skelly from Moonglow, where he was being held. Its positioning completely obstructed the entrance to Drakka's Diner, preventing customers from entering and forcing Drakka to shut down for the time being. Drakka subsequently located Skelly, who had been freed from captivity by the Twi'lek pilot Hera Syndulla, in the diner's back alley. Initially, Drakka was displeased to see Skelly due to his reputation; however, when the demolitions expert revealed his intention to use a sewer grate in the alley to infiltrate Moonglow and confront the Imperials, Drakka decided to assist him, hoping to cause trouble for the Imperials. He opened the sewer grate for Skelly and promptly dropped him down before he could express his gratitude.
Drakka's decision to aid Skelly proved to be detrimental, as the demolitions expert later planted explosives on the Cudgel following a disastrous encounter with the Imperial Count Denetrius Vidian that nearly resulted in Skelly's death. The resulting explosion ignited Drakka's Diner and caused a freezer unit to fall on the Besalisk, trapping him. Jarrus eventually discovered Drakka and managed to free him, after which the chef confronted the Imperials about the destruction of his property, an exchange that did not end favorably.
Drakka's volatile nature prevented him from securing employment at his cousin's mining enterprise. His successful management of the diner, which he sustained through difficult times, was attributed to his culinary skills—notably his ability to prepare a delicious stew—and his physical strength, derived from his considerable size and four heavily muscled arms. Drakka's strength and possession of blasters was sufficient to deter Charko from even stepping foot inside the diner, and the Chagrian was quick to flee at the first indication of Drakka's response to his presence.
Drakka was not verbose, even with regular customers like Jarrus, although he would occasionally growl, causing the fleshy sac under his chin to quiver. He chose to assist Skelly in reaching the Imperials in the hope of avenging the disruption caused by their forcing him to close his business for the day. Following the destruction of his diner, Drakka confronted the Imperials whom he held responsible for the fire. He possessed a beige head crest.
Drakka made his debut in A New Dawn, a novel penned by John Jackson Miller and published in 2014.