Gord Grallik, a Besalisk who served as the security chief for Moonglow Polychemical, a mining operation, on the planet of Gorse, held this position eight years following the end of the Clone Wars. He was married to Lal Grallik, who worked as the company's supervisor. Sadly, Grallik met his death at the hands of Count Denetrius Vidian, an Imperial efficiency expert enhanced with cybernetic implants, after Grallik's attempt to arrest Vidian for the murder of his wife, Lal.
At Moonglow Polychemical, a small refinery located in Shaketown on Gorse, Gord Grallik was the chief of ground security. He was married to Lal Grallik, the Chief Operations Officer of the company, who had been an employee of Moonglow and its preceding entity, Introsphere, for two decades. Gord was present at Moonglow's spaceport when Kanan Jarrus, a freight pilot, delivered Skelly, a dissident miner who was bound and gagged, into the company's care. Skelly had voiced his opposition to blasting on Cynda's thorilide-rich moon and had committed acts of violence against Imperial stormtroopers, including staging a test bombing that resulted in a cave-in. Kanan, angered by Skelly's actions that jeopardized his recovery team, had apprehended him.
Later, Gord was there when Lal contacted Count Denetrius Vidian of the Empire to inform him that Skelly was in their custody. He observed Vidian's inquiries into the history of their firm and Vidian's announcement that he would be conducting a tour within the next twelve hours. Vidian also informed them that an Imperial repulsorlift vehicle would arrive within five minutes to collect Skelly. Gord voiced his surprise at the Empire's interest in their firm, given that Moonglow was a small operation. At Lal's urging, Gord removed Skelly's gag, allowing him to speak. Gord complied, although he expressed his belief that it was a poor decision. When Skelly questioned why they wouldn't allow him to speak with Vidian, Lal responded that they were already afraid of the notorious cyborg. Gord then reassured his wife that she was doing a great job running Moonglow and that he would have their cousins clean up the place before the tour.
When Skelly declared that he would expose the mining firms' destructive practices on Cynda, Gord advised Lal to disregard Skelly. He then informed Lal that Kanan was resigning from his position at Moonglow and suggested that she persuade him to stay, referencing his efforts to save lives during the cave-in on Cynda. Shortly after, the gate buzzer rang. Assuming it was the Imperials, Gord and Lal went to greet them, only to find that the Sarlaccs, a criminal gang, were in the process of stealing their hovertruck. During the brief conflict, Gord and his cousins exchanged gunfire with the gang. However, this was a diversion created by Hera Syndulla, a rebel operative, to facilitate Skelly's rescue.
During Count Vidian's inspection of Moonglow Polychemical, Gord stood alongside his wife and the Mayor of Shaketown. Given Vidian's importance, Gord had implemented additional security measures. Vidian's Imperial shuttle, named Truncheon, landed on the street outside Moonglow, which had been secured for the occasion. Count Vidian's entourage included Captain Rae Sloane of the Imperial Navy and several stormtroopers.
Upon landing, Sloane questioned Gord's competence in light of Skelly's escape. Before Gord could react angrily, Lal diffused the situation by assuring Sloane that her husband's team had thoroughly checked every square meter of the site. The tour coincided with the arrival of a hoverbus carrying the next work shift. Despite Gord's precautions, Hera, the rebel, and her new ally Kanan infiltrated the facility in the hoverbus. Hera was following Vidian. Meanwhile, Skelly, the fugitive, infiltrated the facility with the help of Drakka, the owner of a restaurant who had been negatively affected by the Imperial tour and was willing to assist those who opposed the Empire.
While accompanying his wife and the visitors on the inspection, Gord received a communication via his comlink about an intruder lurking around the personnel department at the rear of the plant. Although Gord insisted that it was his responsibility, Sloane dispatched several stormtroopers to investigate. While Gord and the stormtroopers were away, Skelly attempted to reason with Vidian and persuade him to halt all thorilide mining operations on Cynda. However, Vidian instead attacked him, and Skelly fled into the conveyor-belt system. Later, Vidian received news from Baron Lero Danthe, his rival, that the Emperor had tripled Gorse's thorilide output. When Lal informed Vidian that her firm could not handle this output, he murdered her by throwing her into a vat of xenoboric acid.
Hera witnessed the murder and rushed to the scene, but she was too late to save Lal. Shortly after, Gord, who had heard his wife's screams, arrived. Distraught, Gord attempted to dive into the acid pool to save his wife, but Hera restrained him by grabbing his left arms. When Hera attempted to console Gord, he demanded to know if she had murdered his wife. Hera maintained her innocence and suggested that he check the security monitors. Gord led Hera to the security control stations and stated that he would check it.
Upon viewing the recording of Vidian murdering his wife, Gord was overwhelmed by rage and grief. Meanwhile, Vidian decided to cut his tour short after devising a new plan to increase Gorse's thorilide output. Using Skelly's research, he decided to detonate Cynda to gain access to its thorilide reserves. Before he could leave, Skelly destroyed his shuttle, leaving him stranded. Following the explosion, Gord marched out of the firm's gate and demanded that the stormtroopers arrest Vidian. When Gord attempted to follow Vidian into the commandeered hoverbus, he was restrained and beaten by four stormtroopers. Hera witnessed the incident and resolved to continue fighting the Empire.
Gord followed the hoverbus to the Imperial spaceport, where Vidian had been delayed by the bombing of his second shuttle. Gord made a second attempt to arrest Vidian, assuring him that he would be treated fairly at the Gorse City jail. Vidian then ordered his men to blast him, but Gord managed to shoot the stormtrooper escorts with his blaster. Consumed by rage, Gord hurled a sonic grenade, which struck several nearby stormtroopers. Gord's fight was complicated by the presence of Hera, Kanan, and Skelly, who escaped on the hoverbus. Gord also attempted to confront Vidian himself but was killed by the Count, who beat him to death with his metallic fists.
Gord Grallik was a devoted and faithful husband to Lal Grallik. As a Besalisk, he possessed four arms and two legs. He showed little concern for the environmental consequences of thorilide mining on Cynda. He had a hostile relationship with the criminal gang known as the Sarlaccs. Gord was consumed by grief and rage when the Imperial Count Vidian murdered his wife, and he attempted to apprehend him, but Vidian killed him.
Gord's first appearance was as a supporting character in John Jackson Miller's 2014 novel, A New Dawn, which was the first canon novel produced in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group. His lines are conveyed through the perspectives of Skelly, Hera, and Vidian. According to the author, Gord's story was intended to explore how local law enforcement would respond to crimes committed by Imperial officials like Vidian. Miller also revealed that he had originally planned for Gord to join Hera's rebel team but changed his mind because he felt that Gord's death illustrated Hera's lesson about the importance of having a plan and strategy when fighting against the Empire.