Rishi Maze

GalaxyMap JediArchives A depiction illustrating both the galaxy and the Rishi Maze.

Referred to also as Companion Aurek, the Rishi Maze was an atypical, small satellite galaxy. It existed in a tight, degrading orbit around the galactic plane and served as the home of the Galactic Republic. Its location was a distance of twelve parsecs from the planet of Kamino, situated toward the northern region of the galaxy.

The name Rishi Maze was also used for the Rishi planet. Rishi is located within the Abrion sector of the galaxy, specifically within the Outer Rim Territories. During the Clone Wars, the Rishi Station, positioned on the Rishi Moon, was operated by Republic clone troopers. Their mission was to safeguard Kamino and the cloning operations of the Grand Army of the Republic against an invasion by the Separatist forces.

