L3-37's brain module
Frequently implemented within droids, droid brains – also known as data-brains, droid processors, cognitive modules, cognitive units, or computer brains – represented a specific type of processing computer. Besides droids, they found application in starships as well. For example, the heavily modified YT-1300 light freighter, famously known as the Millennium Falcon, utilized a trio of these brains: the brain of an R3-series astromech droid, a V-5 transport droid brain, and a slicer droid brain. Notably, the astromech droid brain was a composite derived from L3-37. The Falcon's droid brains were in constant disagreement, resulting in the ship's temperamental nature, unless circumstances forced them to cooperate. Furthermore, all the brains disliked the protocol droid C-3PO, while one of them had a liking for both salacious jokes and romantic stories, which the astromech droid R2-D2 readily supplied.
Armor could also benefit from the addition of droid brains, as the droid brain defense system would get an increase in defensive capabilities.