In the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, there existed a planet called Inusagi. This world was well-known across the galaxy for its annual sakoola blossom festival.
This affluent planet of Inusagi, situated within the Mid Rim Territories of the galaxy, was governed by a chieftess. The planet's rich culture, along with its yearly traditional sakoola blossom festival, made it a famous destination. Though it lacked significant exports, Inusagi benefitted from its location near wealthier planets with major exports, such as Naboo, the homeworld of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine.
Inusagi's capital city featured a spaceport and the chieftess's palace. Passengers arriving at the spaceport could reach the palace using a zip port, which consisted of round glass vehicles traveling on magnetic tracks. The city itself was surrounded by [green](/article/color] hills, fertile valleys, and shimmering [rivers](/article/river]. One river divided into several pools, each representing one of Inusagi's noble houses, with the largest pool cascading over a cliff into the [ocean](/article/ocean], forming a waterfall. The rectangular palace, constructed from milky brown stone, stood on the cliff overlooking both the pools and the ocean.
Inusagi's climate was generally characterized by breezy conditions.
For many centuries, Inusagi maintained a neutral stance, allowing it to focus on developing its renowned and beautiful landscapes. However, with the rise of the Galactic Empire, the new government sought to bring Inusagi under its control. After years of disputes regarding its status, Inusagi became an ally of the Empire following pressure on the chieftess of Inusagi to sign a treaty in 6 BBY.
Soon after, the Empire utilized the sakoola blossom festival to announce a new planetary leader, Governor Cor Tophervin, a close associate of the Emperor. Given Inusagi's connection to Naboo, the anti-Imperial [Arane Oreida](/article/arane_oreida] viewed the event as an opportunity to send a message to the Empire, and she contracted Saw Gerrera to infiltrate the festival. Using forged invitations provided by Jyn Erso, Gerrera, Maia, and a group of Arane's partisans gained access to the festival held at the chieftess's palace. There, they employed FC-1 flechette launchers in a massacre of both Inusagian and Imperial guests.
Inusagian society was structured around a system of noble houses and their associated communities. The people of Inusagi were primarily human and traditionally wore robes made from silk. A popular legend existed in Inusagian culture, centered around the starbird. This legend described starbirds as living inside [stars](/article/star] until the star's demise, at which point the bird transformed into stardust, eventually leading to its rebirth. Starbird imagery was very common.
During the sakoola blossom festival, tents and street vendors filled the areas surrounding the sakoola trees. It was a popular tourist attraction for both residents and visitors.
Inusagi is featured in Beth Revis' 2017 canon novel, Rebel Rising. Revis has stated that Inusagi was her personal favorite planet that she conceived for the novel.