Obi-Wan Kenobi is seen restrained within a containment field.
A containment field functioned as a means of keeping prisoners originating from the planet Geonosis under control. Its original design and production occurred there well before the Clone Wars began. The field's construction involved disk-shaped generators affixed both to the floor and the ceiling directly above.
A person being held would float slightly above a meter while confined within the blue field. They were required to wear magnetic restraints that served a dual purpose: securing them in place and monitoring their vital signs. This monitoring was crucial because an overly powerful field risked cardiac arrest or permanent brain damage. Furthermore, these restraints could inflict torture through potent electrical shocks and the ability to rotate the captive. For individuals sensitive to the Force, the field disrupted their connection, hindering any attempts to escape.
Count Dooku, the Separatist leader, employed a Geonosian containment field to imprison Obi-Wan Kenobi prior to the First Battle of Geonosis. Dooku's goal was to entice the incapacitated Jedi to embrace the dark side of the Force, but Kenobi resisted his persuasion. Consequently, Kenobi was condemned to execution within the Petranaki arena.
Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate king, utilized containment fields to hold his captives. Notable instances include his imprisonment of Dooku and, later, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, whom he held for ransom. When Tano attempted to persuade Ohnaka to release her, he mocked her and denied her any water.
Luminara Unduli is seen being restrained in a containment field by Karina the Great.
By 14 BBY, the Executrix was the sole capital ship within the Galactic Empire's Navy equipped with such a device.