Edrio, known as "Two Tubes," was a Tognath male pilot and mercenary who fought beside Benthic, his eggmate. Their shared nickname came from the breathing equipment they used, which allowed their Tognath biology to function in atmospheres containing oxygen. After the Galactic Empire conquered and occupied Edrio's homeworld, Yar Togna, he was forced to become a refugee and flee. Driven by a desire for revenge against the Empire, Edrio and Benthic joined forces with Saw Gerrera prior to the Battle of Yavin.
Born on Yar Togna in 32 BBY, Edrio became a mercenary after the Galactic Empire's conquest of his and Benthic's homeworld. His act of killing an Imperial Moff garnered the attention of Saw Gerrera, the rebel leader of the Partisans, leading Edrio to enlist. Benthic, on the other hand, joined the Partisans after his time with the Cloud-Riders.

Edrio piloted a U-wing transport alongside Gerrera. Together, they launched an assault on the Marauder. They rescued Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, members of the Spectres, from Jalindi Station before deploying proton bombs to obliterate both the relay and the Marauder.
Subsequently, the group traveled to Faos Station. Edrio dropped off Gerrera and the others, receiving instructions from Gerrera to track his signal. Edrio followed Gerrera's signal to the Tonnis sector, where the Galactic Empire was attempting to transfer a kyber crystal to Captain Slavin's Star Destroyer. After Gerrera detonated the crystal, Edrio successfully rendezvoused with him. Together, they escaped before the explosion.
Later, Edrio and the other Partisans raided an Imperial Metal Factory located on Dooma 4, having discovered that the factory supplied components for a secret Imperial project.

In 1 BBY, following the Battle on Jedha, Edrio was present when his brother Benthic took Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Baze Malbus, and Chirrut Îmwe as prisoners because Andor had killed a Partisan in self-defense to protect Erso. The prisoners were taken to the Catacombs of Cadera. During this period, Director Orson Krennic of the Empire ordered the Death Star to destroy Jedha City. The resulting shockwave caused the Partisans' hidden base to collapse, resulting in Edrio's death, along with many of his Partisan allies.
Edrio was a Tognath male who required a breathing apparatus to survive in oxygen-rich atmospheres. He shared a strong bond with his eggmate, Benthic, and both harbored intense hatred for the Empire due to the invasion of their homeworld, Yar Togna. Their shared animosity toward the Empire was the reason they joined Saw Gerrera's militant Partisans.

Edrio "Two Tubes" was a character conceived and brought to life for the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The Edrio "Two Tubes" costume was initially revealed on July 20, 2016, at San Diego Comic-Con International. An official description of the character was also posted on the official Star Wars Facebook page on the same day.
David Acord voiced and portrayed him in Star Wars Rebels.