Narkina 5 (episode)

"Narkina 5" represents the eighth installment of the first season of the television show Andor. Toby Haynes took on the directorial duties for this episode, while Beau Willimon is credited as the writer.

Official Episode Synopsis

Cassian finds himself in the clutches of the Empire, who remain ignorant of his true identity and history.

More Detailed Synopsis

While attempting to remain inconspicuous, Cassian is caught up in an Imperial dragnet, relying on a fabricated identity for protection. Unaware of his past, the Empire consigns him to labor within a high-security penal facility. Simultaneously, the Imperial Security Bureau diligently assembles intelligence pertaining to acts of rebellion.

Breakdown of the Plot

Airborne Convicts

On the planet Niamos, Cassian Jeron Andor, still using the alias "Keef Girgo," is grouped with other inmates for transportation to various prisons. Upon being asked his home planet by a shoretrooper, Andor states that he hails from Deris-plata. Consequently, he is instructed to board an Imperial transport bound for Narkina 5. Meanwhile, other prisoners are loaded onto transports headed for destinations such as Belsavis. Andor and his fellow captives are then ordered to remove their footwear and have their hands restrained to their seating.

A Pivotal Encounter

In the meantime, on Coruscant, Syril Karn is shown working at his computer at the Imperial Bureau of Standards when he receives a visit from two officers of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). Later, Karn finds himself in an ISB interrogation cell with Lieutenant Dedra Meero, who serves as the ISB Supervisor for the Morlana sector. Meero seeks Karn's assistance in clarifying certain aspects of the Ferrix Incident. Meero reveals to Karn that she has discovered six falsified requests he made to the Bureau of Standards' Data Center seeking information that suggested Andor was employed in the fuel refinery sector.

Meero inquires about Karn's motives. Karn explains that he has utilized all available tools and resources to track down Andor, whom he considers a murderer and a threat to public safety. Meero informs Karn that his actions have piqued the ISB's interest and asks about his intentions. Karn clarifies that he is attempting to restore his reputation following the events on Ferrix. When Meero questions any omissions in Lieutenant Blevin's report, Karn explains that he was not permitted to review the report despite having signed it. Recognizing Karn's potential value, Meero departs the room and instructs her staff to provide Karn with Blevin's report.

Meero's Assessment

The Imperial prison transport descends into the atmosphere of Narkina 5, a world largely covered by ocean. Through the viewport, Andor observes several large maritime vessels. Shifting back to Coruscant, Meero presents her comprehensive report on the stolen Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit recovered on Ferrix to high-ranking ISB officials, including Colonel Wullf Yularen and Major Lio Partagaz. Meero contends that the theft of Imperial technology is a widespread issue. Meero also provides the audience with information about Andor, noting that he murdered two corporate security officers.

Meero posits that Andor was in the process of transferring the Starpath unit to an individual codenamed "Axis", whom she believes is central to a coordinated rebel effort to acquire specialized Imperial equipment. Yularen reviews Meero's requests for her investigation, which include a full planetary comnet, a comprehensive garrison tech package, Series Nine Spectrum surveillance, local agent funding, and a Code Droid. Yularen expresses concern about the cost of this investment, but Meero argues that it is only a fraction of the value of the lost technology.

Beyond capturing Andor, Meero intends to apprehend "Axis" next. Partagaz supports Meero, noting that "Axis" has been adept at dispersing his activities throughout the galaxy. They are unaware of the full extent of his operations. Meero characterizes the events on Ferrix as "Axis"'s initial misstep. As part of a broader search, Meero plans to search for Andor on Ferrix.

Prison Intake Procedures

Upon arrival at Narkina 5, Imperial corrections officers direct Andor and the other prisoners to disembark. The warden informs the prisoners that they have been assigned to the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex based on their labor skills. He explains that the prisoners will be assigned to their respective duties and shifts. The warden then informs the prisoners that control is maintained through the activation of a shock-inducing floor. The warden clarifies that this is merely the first level of security and that the floors are constructed of tunqstoid steel.

Karn's Drive

Returning to Coruscant, Karn has completed his review of Lieutenant Blevin's report. He highlights several omissions to Meero, including criminal negligence on the part of his commanding officer, Chief Inspector [Hyne], the complete absence of Imperial authority on Ferrix, and the fact that Andor received assistance from local accomplices. Meero also questions Karn about the description of Andor's accomplice, whom he describes as a tall, older man wearing a grey cloak and dark boots. Karn recalls that the accomplice possessed a distinctive voice. In exchange for Karn refraining from submitting further requests for information, Meero promises to inform the Bureau of Standards that he has been of service to the Empire today.

Before departing, Karn emphasizes his competence as a deputy inspector who successfully solved a double murder and apprehended the perpetrator within two days. Karn offers his assistance in locating Andor and his handler, asserting that he could be a valuable asset to the Empire moving forward. Meero cautions him against attracting the ISB's attention and advises him to forget the entire incident.

The Factory Environment

At the Narkina 5 prison, Andor, now attired in a white and orange uniform, is escorted by his captors into the prison facility. After a short pause, Andor is taken down a lift to his designated factory floor, known as Unit Five-Two-D. Andor is greeted by a fellow prisoner named Kino Loy, who serves as the unit's manager. Andor introduces himself as "Keef." Loy informs Andor that the shift lasts twelve hours and assigns him to Table Five. Loy explains that the prisoners are in competition with each other and with the other floors. Loy, who has 249 days remaining on his sentence, states that he has considerable autonomy in managing the floor. He emphasizes his commitment to maintaining high productivity levels and encourages Andor to approach him with any issues involving other inmates or illness.

At Table Five, "Keef" is introduced to his fellow inmates, including Jemboc, Xaul, Taga, Ulaf, Ham, Birnok, and Ruescott Melshi. The table is short one man. Given the floor's unsatisfactory productivity level, Loy directs the other prisoners to expedite production, with the slowest table facing punishment. The prisoners increase their pace on the machinery.

Parallel Existences

Elsewhere, Senator Mon Mothma shares drinks with her husband Perrin Fertha, but admits that she is merely putting on a facade. She confides in her husband that she intends to gather votes to oppose the new Imperial legislation. The couple is joined by Tay Kolma. Fertha explains that Mothma is attempting to convey the message that she is protecting the Empire from the Emperor. Mothma briefly alludes to Fertha's time as a cadet. Kolma notes that the Empire's new legislation is having a suppressive effect. After Fertha departs, Kolma cautions that the Empire's new banking regulations are impeding their operations.

Mothma and Kolma are joined by Leida Mothma, who observes Kolma's frequent presence. Mothma distracts Leida by informing her that her father is looking for her. Mothma engages in conversation with a purple-robed senator who has come to discuss her efforts to garner votes. On Narkina 5, Andor and the other prisoners line up. Loy instructs the other prisoners to maintain silence. A dark-skinned human begins gesturing to another prisoner on a bridge.

Returning to Coruscant, Mothma and her allied senators discuss Emperor Palpatine's new laws, including the Public Order Resentencing Directive. A bearded senator expresses concern about the potential dangers of Palpatine's unlimited new security powers. A female senator remarks that they are living in perilous times, while another male senator makes comments about Chandrilan hospitality.

On Narkina 5, inmates Xaul and Jemboc provide Andor with information about how his electronically-monitored cell functions. The cells are equipped with refreshers, and food is dispensed through tubes. The cells are impeccably white.

Jemboc asks Andor about the circumstances that led to his imprisonment. Andor avoids a direct answer. Jemboc reveals that the Imperial authorities doubled everyone's sentences following the events on Aldhani. Taga mentions the Public Order Sentencing Directive. Andor pretends to be unaware of the events on Aldhani. The other prisoners claim that the rebels massacred an entire garrison, but others dispute this claim. Another prisoner attempts to advise Andor to disregard the numbers, but Kino asserts his authority and threatens the other inmate. The intercom system instructs the prisoners to return to their cells. Andor is the last to comply, entering his cell just before the floors begin flashing red.

At the Coruscant banquet, Fertha asks Mothma to reflect on how often they spend their time admiring the view. After some flattery, Mothma informs her guests that she and Fertha arrived as teenagers when she became a senator at the age of 16 years. According to Chandrila custom, they were married at a young age. Mothma inquires about Kolma, and Fertha replies that he left early for a function in the morning.

Over the course of 30 shifts, Andor adapts to life in his automated prison cell, which includes food dispensers and a retractable toothbrush. The prisoners also undergo an automated shower before receiving fresh clothing. They then collaborate on assembling mechanical components. When Andor slows down, Loy urges him to accelerate his pace.

Ferrix Under Occupation

On Ferrix, Bix Caleen and Brasso care for the ailing Maarva Andor, who fell while observing the former hotel, which the Empire has repurposed as their headquarters. B2EMO is also present at the Andor residence. Despite her advanced age and longing for her adopted son Cassian Andor, Maarva remains a rebel at heart. Meanwhile, Vel Sartha and Cinta Kaz reunite. Kaz reaffirms her dedication to the Rebellion and her love for Sartha. They observe Caleen and Brasso across the street.

Caleen visits Salman Paak at his repair business Repaak Salyard. The loss of the hotel has made it difficult for the local rebels to conduct their operations. She informs Paak that she needs to search for something in the back. Paak attempts to dissuade her, but she insists that it is urgent. Caleen climbs a ladder and activates a radio transmitter.

Difficult Choices

On Coruscant, Kleya Marki receives a message from Caleen, who is attempting to locate Andor because his mother is ill. Marki informs Luthen Rael and suggests that they should not respond to avoid jeopardizing their operations. Rael disagrees, asserting that their contact on Ferrix can provide valuable guidance, as Caleen possesses more knowledge than they do and may have a lead. Marki suspects that the ISB may have taken control of her radio. Marki advocates for severing all contact with Ferrix, but Rael is unwilling to abandon them.

Rael also inquires whether Sartha and Kaz have reached Ferrix. He informs Marki that the woman's name is Bix Caleen and suggests that Sartha can assess the safety of the situation on Ferrix. Rael emphasizes that he is not losing his composure but is emerging from hiding. Marki disagrees and warns about the risk of exposing themselves to vulnerability. Rael reluctantly orders that the transmission be terminated. Back on Ferrix, Caleen reacts with frustration and despair as the radio line is disconnected.

Later, Rael pilots his Fondor Haulcraft into space. He instructs the ship's computer to coordinate alternatives for Segra Milo. The ship's computer identifies four routes, and Rael chooses the longest one.

Issues on Multiple Fronts

At the Narkina 5 Imperial factory facility, a prisoner named Veemoss commits suicide by jumping from his cell onto the electrified floor. The other prisoners express their discontent over the loss of a colleague, with some displaying little sympathy for the deceased man. Loy instructs the prisoners to remain calm before the announcer orders them to return to their sleeping platforms.

On Ferrix, Caleen observes a crowd gathering outside Repaak Salyard. Imperial officers have arrested Salman Paak after summoning him to the reappropriated hotel. His son Wilmon Paak is visibly enraged and is restrained by an Imperial officer. The lead Imperial officer, Captain Vanis Tigo, orders stormtroopers to disperse the crowd. Tigo recognizes Caleen, but she flees at the urging of Brasso, who is detained by Imperial personnel. Caleen runs through the narrow and winding streets of Ferrix.

Meeting with Saw Gerrera

In the meantime, Rael lands his Fondor Haulcraft at a Partisan base on Segra Milo, which is guarded by Benthic. Rael asks Saw Gerrera if he had a hand in the Aldhani Heist, but Gerrera neither confirms nor denies his involvement. Getting to the point, Rael offers to trade several pieces of stolen Imperial technology, including a full set of Imperial drive adapters and three sealed Steergard targeting deflectors. After Rael confirms that he possesses the items, Gerrera asks Rael to state his price.

Rael informs Gerrera that he wants him to meet Anto Kreegyr, a contact who has been investigating the Imperial power station at Spellhaus. Rael explains that Kreegyr has identified some weaknesses in the defense and has a plan. Gerrera is dismissive of Kreegyr's abilities, but Rael insists that Gerrera listen to Kreegyr's proposal. Unwilling to collaborate with Kreegyr, Gerrera offers to purchase the three targeting deflectors, but Rael stipulates that they are contingent on Gerrera working with Kreegyr. If he refuses, Rael warns that he will seek assistance elsewhere.

When Gerrera insists on working independently, Rael asserts that this approach must change. Gerrera is unwilling to endanger his people for someone else. Rael argues that they must collaborate to overthrow the Empire, asserting that oppression leads to rebellion. Gerrera insists that he is not a mercenary, but Rael asks him to envision Spellhaus engulfed in flames. Gerrera labels Kreegyr a Separatist and Maya Pei as a neo-Republican. Gerrera reminds Rael of the various rebel factions that have failed. He asks Rael to define his own identity. Rael responds that he is a coward, a man who is terrified that the Empire's power will exceed their capacity to stop it. Rael argues that they must set aside their differences. Gerrera counters by claiming that he is the only one with a clear sense of purpose. Rael laughs and remarks that anarchy is an appealing concept for a man hiding in cold caves and begging for spare parts. Gerrera laughs and refuses to purchase parts from Rael, advising him to find someone else to assist Kreegyr.

Imperial Captives

On Ferrix, Caleen is apprehended by Imperial officers and led away in handcuffs. At the repurposed hotel, Captain Tigo informs Lieutenant Meero that Caleen is on her way up and asks if they should remove the battered Paak, who is tied to a chair. Meero instructs them to allow Caleen to see Paak. After Caleen sees Paak, Meero permits the stormtroopers and Tigo to remove Paak from the room. Meero introduces herself to Caleen before a burly Imperial guard leads her to the chair. Elsewhere on Narkina 5, Andor and his fellow prisoners continue assembling machinery.

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