Leida Mothma, hailing from the planet [Chandrila](/article/chandrila], was a human female of Chandrilan descent. She was the daughter of Perrin Fertha and Mon Mothma, the latter of whom served as their homeworld's senator within the Imperial Senate. Leida, in company with her parents, took up residence on Coruscant, the Imperial capital, specifically at the Chandrilan Embassy. She showed preference for traditional Chandrilan practices, rather than the political endeavors of her mother, resulting in a strained relationship. However, Leida shared a positive bond with her father, in addition to her mother's cousin, Vel Sartha.

Leida Mothma, the daughter of Perrin Fertha and Senator Mon Mothma, came into this world around 18 BBY on her homeworld of Chandrila. During her early years, she became acquainted with Tay Kolma, a Chandrilan banker and long-time friend of her mother, as well as his sisters, Adrine and Marsa. Mothma also developed a relationship with her mother's cousin, Vel Sartha, affectionately calling her Aunt Vel. Leida spent the majority of her time living with her parents on the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Empire, during the Imperial Era.
While on Coruscant, her mother pursued a career in politics, acting as Chandrila's representative within the Imperial Senate. However, Leida grew resentful of her mother's dedication to politics and instead embraced the traditional customs of Chandrila, which Mon considered outdated. Leida even went to the extent of locating an elder for ceremonies, holding meetings to practice old sayings with like-minded friends. Secretly, her mother was involved in the growing rebellion, an aspect of her life Mon was often tempted to share with Leida. Nevertheless, she consistently chose to shield her daughter from the dangers of the rebellion to ensure her safety.
In 5 BBY, Leida joined her parents for breakfast at the Chandrilan Embassy, where the family resided. Upon arriving, Mothma declined her mother's offer to take her to classes, instead asking her father to do so, believing Mon only did it for appearances. Leida accused her mother of selfishness, then ceased eating as Mon departed, hurt by Leida's words and Fertha's lack of support.
A few days later, Leida attended a dinner party at the Embassy, dressed in a white and silver dress. During the event, Mothma spoke with her father before approaching her mother. While speaking to Mon, she introduced her to Tay Kolma, though Leida admitted to not remembering him. Mothma then requested permission to leave, stating that her father had instructed her to ask first. Mon granted her permission, and before departing, Leida told her mother to enjoy herself.

Shortly after, Leida attended another party held at her family's apartment, this time wearing a golden dress. Leida approached her mother, who was again in conversation with Kolma, whom Leida remarked was "here all the time now." Kolma responded that he was learning to appreciate Coruscant. Mon informed Leida that her father was looking for her, and Leida pointed out that her mother was drinking Chandrilan Squigs, which Mon denied, claiming she had lost her taste for them. Mothma agreed that the drink was unpleasant, but Kolma argued that that was the intention. Leida then left to find her father, telling Kolma it was nice to see him again. While her parents conversed with guests in the dining room, Leida consumed some green-colored sweets.
A few days later, Vel visited the Mothma family at the Embassy, stating she had just returned from Tassio Moon and presented Leida with a golden gown. Upon Mon's return home following a difficult session with the Imperial Senate, Leida excitedly ran to show her the dress. When Mon suggested that Perrin might not approve of her wearing it, Leida retorted that her father allowed her to do as she pleased. After an awkward silence, Mon told Leida to try on the dress. Mothma complied, and in her absence, Sartha and Mon spoke privately. Leida reappeared soon after, wearing the gown and happily twirling to show her mother and Vel.
Shortly after, Leida dined with her parents and Vel, during which Fertha mentioned Tay Kolma, whom Leida then referred to as Mon's old boyfriend. Mon asked Perrin if he had told Leida this, but Perrin simply told Leida that the key word was "old." Mon then corrected her daughter, stating that Kolma was an old friend from grade school. Leida continued eating before Vel departed, with Mon seeing her out.

The following day, Leida and her friends participated in a traditional Chandrilan ceremony in the Embassy's dining room, signifying her eligibility to receive marriage proposals. While her mother opposed the idea and her father remained open-minded, Leida was happy to participate, enjoying the ceremony and the friendships she had formed during preparations. Mon commented that her lessons were the only thing she attended punctually. After the ceremony, Leida and the others exited the dining room, where Leida was pleasantly surprised to see Vel, who claimed to have returned specifically to see Leida, and the two embraced.
Two days later, Leida accompanied her parents to meet Stekan Sculdun, the son of Chandrilan oligarch Davo Sculdun, an arrangement made by Davo and Mon in exchange for assistance in justifying the disappearance of 400,000 credits, funds Mon had withdrawn to support the rebellion.
Leida Mothma was a human female characterized by long brown hair and brown [eyes](/article/eye]. Despite spending the majority of her time on Coruscant, Mothma developed resentment towards her mother's political career in the Imperial Senate, instead seeking solace in the simplicity of Chandrila's traditions. By the age of thirteen, she was already displaying a rebellious nature. Mothma grew tired of her mother's political pursuits and had a less than ideal relationship with her, although both found amusement in Vel Sartha's sarcastic remarks about the lack of available suitors when Perrin inquired about her marital status. She would often seek her father's support to avoid activities her mother had planned for her. Despite her familiarity with the formalities of a dinner with numerous political guests, she still made a snide remark towards Mon Mothma's friend Tay Kolma.
Leida Mothma first appeared in "The Axe Forgets," the fifth episode of Andor. She was played by Bronte Carmichael. In Star Wars Legends, the daughter of Mon Mothma was initially mentioned in the Dark Empire Sourcebook, authored by Michael Allen Horne and released in 1993 by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Her first name, Lieda, was confirmed in the 2002 reference book The New Essential Guide to Characters by Daniel Wallace.