Davo Sculdun, a male human from the planet Chandrila, was an influential oligarch, banker, and financier. He amassed his fortune and influence through unconventional methods, leading to a widespread perception of him as an unscrupulous character. Tay Kolma, much to Mon Mothma's chagrin, suggested that the Senator Mon Mothma should engage with Sculdun in order to account for the vanished 400,000 credits. Sculdun proposed a deal to Mothma at the Chandrilan Embassy located on Coruscant: a loan in return for the opportunity for his son, Stekan, to meet the senator's daughter, Leida Mothma. Although Mothma initially declined, Sculdun remained confident that she was still considering his proposition. Ultimately, Mothma conceded to Sculdun's conditions, facilitating an introduction between her daughter and his son.