The Mothma family hailed from Chandrila, a planet situated within the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds], and was known for its political influence. Mon Mothma adhered to Chandrilan customs by marrying at a young age. A year prior to her appointment as a senator, she became the wife of Perrin Fertha. They had a daughter named Leida Mothma and resided at the Chandrilan Embassy located in Coruscant, the galactic capital, during the era of the Galactic Empire. [Vel Sartha](/article/vel_sartha], an operative for the rebel alliance, was Mon Mothma's cousin.
Mon Mothma, a human female, belonged to the Mothma family, who originated from the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds] planet of Chandrila. Mothma's father held the position of arbiter-general within the Galactic Republic, while her mother, Tanis, served as the governor of Hanna City. At the age of fifteen, Mothma initially chose to pursue a career as a historian, turning away from her family's political legacy. However, by the following summer, influenced partly by family expectations, she reversed her decision and eventually became a senator in the Galactic Senate.

One year before becoming a senator at sixteen years old, Mon Mothma married Perrin Fertha. Subsequently, they established their residence at the Chandrilan Embassy in Coruscant, which served as the galactic capital. Mothma and Fertha had a daughter named Leida Mothma. Vel Sartha, affiliated with Luthen Rael's rebel network, was Mon Mothma's cousin and was referred to by Leida as "Aunt Vel."
During the era of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire], Fertha had grown accustomed to the privileges afforded to a senator's consort and found himself increasingly distant from his idealistic wife. Mon Mothma utilized her position in the Imperial Senate to voice her opposition to the overreach of Imperial power. Furthermore, Mon Mothma experienced a strained relationship with her daughter, Leida, who grew resentful of the time her mother dedicated to her political pursuits. Consequently, Leida developed a strong affinity for Chandrilan traditions, many of which Mon considered to be "outdated" by contemporary standards.
Davo Sculdun, a banker from Chandrila, sought to introduce his son, Stekan Sculdun, to Leida Mothma. While he refrained from formally proposing a betrothal, Sculdun pointed out that, according to Chandrilan customs, Leida was nearing the age of eligibility for marriage. Mon Mothma rejected his proposition, expressing her disapproval of the tradition. Despite this, Leida and Stekan eventually met at the Chandrilan Embassy, accompanied by their respective parents.
Caroline Blakiston, who played Mon Mothma in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, wrote a letter to George Lucas suggesting she appear in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith as Mon Mothma's grandmother. This was because the film featured Genevieve O'Reilly portraying a younger version of her character. However, Blakiston never received a response from Lucas.