
Marsa was the sibling of Adrine and Tay Kolma, who was a Chandrilan human and an employee of the Bank Of Kolma; Adrine was her sister. On Chandrila, the homeworld of the Mothmas', they once met Leida Mothma, who is the daughter of Mon Mothma, a Chandrilan senator. Later, in 5 BBY, Leida met Kolma on the planet Coruscant, and Mon then told her daughter that she was already acquainted with Kolma and his siblings, though Leida was unsure if she recalled this.

Behind the scenes

The character of Marsa was referenced in "Announcement," which is the seventh episode from the first season of Andor, the television series that is available on Disney+; this episode was originally broadcast on October 19, 2022.

