Maarva Carassi Andor

Maarva Carassi Andor was a human female who existed during the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic, extending into the era dominated by the Galactic Empire. On her homeworld, Maarva held membership in the Daughters of Ferrix and enjoyed high regard from the people of her community. Along with her husband, Clem, Maarva took on the role of adoptive mother to Cassian Andor, whom they saved while scavenging across the planet Kenari. Following Clem's execution by the Empire, she experienced fear and voiced her disapproval of Cassian's rebellious nature, notwithstanding her own disdain for the Empire.

Without her knowing, her son became entangled with the Axis network and was involved in the Aldhani heist. This event, coupled with the Imperial occupation of Ferrix, reignited her determination. Rejecting Cassian's offer for a fresh start elsewhere, Maarva chose to remain in her home with her droid, B2EMO, and dedicated the remaining months of her life to opposing the fascist regime. Before succumbing to an illness while her son was imprisoned on Narkina 5, she recorded a message for her funeral, which spurred her fellow Ferrix residents to fight against the Empire. Consequently, Cassian Andor fully embraced the rebel cause and played a role in the theft of the Death Star plans.


Early life

Born in 82 BBY on the planet Ferrix within the Free Trade sector, Maarva Carassi Andor was a human female. According to her recollections, around 76 BBY, at the age of six, Maarva attended her inaugural funeral alongside her sister, where they walked hand-in-hand through Fountain Square. During the ceremony, she also absorbed the musical traditions and history of Ferrix, and touched her first funerary stone. At some point, Maarva married Clem, and they both worked as scavengers, embarking on salvage missions to various worlds and bringing back unclaimed technology to their home planet.

Trip to Kenari

Maarva during her salvaging trip to Kenari

Prior to the Clone Wars, specifically by 24 BBY, Maarva and Clem, accompanied by their droid, B2EMO, were engaged in salvaging operations near the Mid Rim planet Kenari when a starship experienced a crash landing on the planet's surface. In hopes of acquiring a console unit, the trio landed their vessel on Kenari and entered the wrecked starship wearing masks due to the toxic fumes emanating from the outside, which had resulted in the deaths of the officers on board, all of whom bore the emblem of what would become the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

As they proceeded through the ship, BEE informed the pair that the air within was breathable, prompting a satisfied Maarva to remove her mask and insist that she and Clem retrieve the console unit. However, Clem expressed reservations, suggesting they withdraw, but Maarva dismissed his concerns, assuring him of the ship's safety and urging him to remove his mask. As Clem continued to voice his apprehension, they detected a sound originating from deeper within the ship. Despite Clem's reluctance to investigate, Maarva argued that they should, as there would be at least six brand-new fuel nodules. Clem countered that they already possessed an ample supply, leading Maarva to inquire with BEE about the price of the fuel nodules. As BEE responded, they began to hear crashing noises in the distance, prompting Clem to reiterate the need to leave. Nevertheless, Maarva resolved to continue exploring. Despite Clem's hesitation, he followed his wife further into the ship.

While smuggling on the planet Kenari, Maarva and Clem adopted a local boy named Kassa, whom they renamed Cassian Jeron Andor.

There, they encountered a local Kenari boy named Kassa vandalizing sections of the ship. Clem attempted to joke with the boy, who raised a staff in defense. Maarva noted that Kassa did not understand her husband's words, and BEE appeared, informing the couple of an approaching Republic ship. Clem expressed concern about the Republic ship and suggested abandoning young Kassa, a notion Maarva rebuked him for. As Maarva attempted to communicate with the boy, she asserted to her husband that the Republic authorities would kill Kassa, though Clem disputed that they would kill them. Maarva then requested BEE to retrieve the Drowzer, much to Clem's shock. Clem argued that Kassa had family in the area, but Maarva countered that they were people who had just killed a Republic officer. Kassa then attacked Maarva, who subdued the young boy and administered a sedative to him. Clem urged Maarva to reconsider her decision, but she maintained that she would not abandon the young boy to die.

With Kassa unconscious, Maarva, Clem, and BEE returned to their ship. After placing the boy on a mattress, Maarva took the pilot's seat and flew the ship away from Kenari. Shortly thereafter, the young boy awoke and gazed at the sun, prompting Maarva to turn and smile at him. The Andor family would soon return to Ferrix, rename Kassa Cassian Jeron Andor, and fabricate a story that Cassian was born on Fest.

Early Imperial rule

As a former president of the Daughters of Ferrix, Maarva was held in high esteem by the community, even after retiring from physical labor. However, in the early years of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire], Clem was executed by the fascist regime, leaving Maarva fearful for the subsequent thirteen years.

Mother and son rebel

Maarva's continued to act in defiance of the Empire after her health started failing.

By 5 BBY, Maarva's health had begun to deteriorate, and she started to disapprove of Cassian's rebellious tendencies. Her worries proved justified when Maarva discovered that Cassian was being pursued by Preox-Morlana after he killed two Corpos on Morlana One. Horrified, she reprimanded her son for revealing that his homeworld was Kenari, a fact the Andor family had concealed for years. During the ensuing hunt for Cassian led by Deputy Inspector Syril Karn, he and his team searched Maarva's house and confronted her, hoping she would disclose her adoptive son's location. However, Cassian, accompanied by Luthen Rael, evaded capture and departed Ferrix, leaving Maarva and B2 behind.

Unaware of her son's involvement in the heist on Aldhani, Maarva was informed of the event upon his return, when Cassian announced their impending departure. She refused to abandon her homeworld, having decided to rebel against the oppressive regime that had taken her husband's life. Despite Cassian's persistence that she accompany him elsewhere, she remained steadfast in her desire to join the burgeoning Rebellion. With this newfound resolve, Maarva injured herself while attempting to force open the old Rix flood gate beneath the Hotel Rix, hoping the secret passage would be utilized by the rebels to infiltrate the Imperial garrison occupying the hotel as their headquarters. Bix Caleen and Brasso, neighbors and friends of Maarva and Cassian, grew concerned for her well-being and visited her home.

Death and legacy

As Cassian remained incarcerated on Narkina 5, Maarva Andor's health continued its decline, and she ceased taking her medication. Sometime before her passing, she recorded a speech to be broadcast during her [funeral](/article/funeral]. She subsequently succumbed to her illness, and the Daughters of Ferrix, with Brasso's assistance, cared for her body and her home.

Maarva's speech incited a riot against the Imperial forces on Ferrix.

After Cassian Andor escaped from the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex and learned of Maarva's death, he returned home. He received condolences from Pegla, and Brasso conveyed a final message of love from mother to son. During Maarva's funeral, which became the site of a massive riot when her anti-Imperial posthumous speech inspired the attendees to react when Captain Vanis Tigo overturned B2EMO for broadcasting the speech, Cassian freed Caleen from her imprisonment. Inspired by her words, Ferrix's citizens fought back against the stormtrooper and Imperial Army trooper security detail standing by as a resistance movement. Brasso brandished Maarva's funerary stone as a weapon to knock down an Imperial trooper, before Rashi carried it away from the scene.

Her son subsequently committed himself to the rebel cause. As part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, he was instrumental in the theft of the Death Star plans.

Behind the scenes

Fiona Shaw played Maarva Andor. Her name was revealed in the subtitles for the first Andor trailer, which was released on May 26, 2022. Her first appearance was in "That Would Be Me," which aired on September 21, 2022.

Concept art of Maarva Andor, Cassian Andor, and B2EMO in the Andor household by Luke Hull

Luke Hull, the production designer, created a sketch depicting Maarva, Cassian, and B2EMO within the Andor household. When working on scenes featuring a younger Maarva, costume designer Michael Wilkinson and his team aimed to convey her competence, providing her with a large, flowing linen duster jacket to give her "pirate swagger." Shaw admired the linen jumpsuit that Wilkinson's team had developed for her. He believed that the actress looked fantastic in the attire and carried it off exceptionally well. The team favored the idea of Maarva having only slight variations in her outfits, which they felt imparted a gentle and somewhat defeated quality to her character. Hull noted that Maarva's house was meticulously designed to aid in explaining her character. The red jumpsuit in her costume was intended as a nod to the reds worn by the Daughters of Ferrix.

Tony Gilroy, executive producer and writer, invited Shaw to participate in Andor, and she was delighted by his enthusiasm. Shaw was pleased to join Star Wars. According to Gilroy, CCH Pounder was initially cast for the role but ultimately declined, prompting Gilroy to consider Shaw after witnessing her performance in the television series Killing Eve. The complexity of family life drew Shaw into the show's narrative. Shaw perceived her character as a pilgrim traversing the universe and attempting to ignore Imperial power. She found portraying an older character intriguing because Maarva had narrowed her values to what she deemed essential. She also appreciated how Maarva had a distinctly different earlier life, and she was completely needed for Andor's life, which made her an ignition key to the Rebellion. Shaw was deeply impressed by the level of detail in the Ferrix set in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, which inspired her to contribute her best.

Fiona Shaw as Maarva Andor in her character poster

According to Tony Gilroy, all scenes on Ferrix were filmed first. One of the initial scenes filmed with Shaw and Diego Luna, who plays Cassian Andor, was a disagreement between the characters within the family home. Shaw, Antonio Viña, the actor portraying young Kassa, and Luna collaborated on shaping Maarva's journey as an adoptive mother. Maarva's monologue in the episode "Rix Road" originally concluded with her stating "Fuck the Empire," which was later changed to "Fight the Empire" in the episode. Shaw recorded her speech prior to filming the funeral. After Christmas, the Ferrix set was so cold that Shaw's breath was visible. According to director Toby Haynes, the script likely included Maarva not turning on her heater to justify this, which he felt suited the character. During her funeral procession in the finale episode "Rix Road," the red color was intensified to symbolize the spirit of Ferrix.

