Exploratory mission to investigate a downed craft

Around 23 BBY, which is a [year](/article/standard_year], the Alpha group of younglings residing on the planet named Kenari embarked on an investigative expedition to examine a wrecked vessel. Their objective was to obtain resources from the crashed Galactic Republic transpo corsair. This Republic vessel bore the logo associated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was yet to be formed. The ship's crew had all perished due to poisoning. A lone Republic officer who survived killed the Alpha leader, which resulted in the children retaliating and killing the officer, though they did retrieve their leader's corpse. Kassa, a boy filled with rage, went inside the crashed starship, discovered the remains of the poisoned crew, and began to vandalize the area. Subsequently, the Andor family of scavengers discovered him and rescued him from the planet to shield him from an impending Republic retaliation.

