The year 82 BBY is equivalent to 3195 LY on the Lothal Calendar. It is also known as 63 BFE using the Imperial calendar and 7895 in the C.R.C. calendar. Here are some happenings from that time.
- We remember the Funeral of Countess Anya [1]
- A Mission to Asusto occurred [1]
- Maarva Carassi Andor was born [6]
- Anya passed away [1]
- The following also died during the mission to Asusto [1]: Creethe[1], Lyo[1], and a Priestess[1].
While Star Wars Jedi Master Magazine 1 initially stated Sheev Palpatine's birth year was 82 BBY, subsequent works like Star Wars: Timelines have revised it to 84 BBY. This page operates under the assumption that the Star Wars Jedi Master Magazine got it wrong.