Anya (Serenno)

Anya, a female Serennian and lady of House Serenno, was the wife of Count Gora during the Galactic Republic's reign. Being the consort to the Count of Serenno, she possessed the title of Countess. Furthermore, she was the mother of Jenza and Ramil, in addition to Dooku, a Force-sensitive individual who became a member of the Jedi Order. Eventually, she would die and be interred within the Serenno family mausoleum located on the moon Mantero.


Motherhood and Marriage

Before 102 BBY, Anya married Count Gora of Serenno and gave birth to his son, Ramil. In 102 BBY, she birthed a second son, Dooku; however, the boy soon demonstrated Force-sensitivity, which alarmed her husband. On Gora's command, the infant Dooku was abandoned on the edge of a forest, where a Jedi seeker discovered him and brought him into the Jedi Order. Subsequently, Anya had a third child, a daughter named Jenza.

Celebrations on Serenno

In 90 BBY, Serenno hosted a festival in its capital, Carannia, to showcase the offerings of Outer Rim planets to the Galactic Republic. Anya, her husband, and children attended the event. Gora, however, was dismissive, regarding it as a waste of time. Displeased with his attitude, Anya instructed the family's protocol droid, D-4, to supervise Ramil and Jenza as they explored the festival.

Unbeknownst to her and Gora, their other son, Dooku, was also present with Jedi Order members from Coruscant. Dooku encountered both Jenza and Ramil during the celebrations, developing a connection with Jenza that would endure for much of his life. Unfortunately, Anya did not have the opportunity to see her long-lost son before his father forced him to leave the planet.

Death and Legacy

Anya passed away unexpectedly around 82 BBY. Following her death, Jenza invited Dooku to her funeral on Serenno's moon, Mantero. Despite the Jedi Council's prohibition, Dooku traveled with Master Lene Kostana and his close friend, Sifo-Dyas, to Mantero to attend the burial. His presence infuriated Gora, who verbally attacked him. The funeral was also disrupted by protests from Serenno's citizens who were dissatisfied with Gora's rule and the societal inequality. In his attempt to prevent a conflict between Gora's security droids and the protestors, Dooku's use of the Force not only dispersed the crowds but also disturbed Anya's body, leading to Gora physically assaulting him. This altercation strained Dooku's relationship with Jenza for a period.

Later, while experiencing the Dark Side on Asusto, Dooku heard Anya's voice as he struggled. Eventually, Anya's second son left the Jedi Order, becoming Count of Serenno and killing Ramil. Years later, Dooku would also execute his other sibling after succumbing to the Dark Side and joining the Sith.

Personality and traits

Anya differed from her husband in her genuine care for their children. However, she was content to delegate their practical care to the family protocol droid. She did not share her husband's cynicism regarding the Carannia celebrations and reprimanded Gora for displaying his attitude in front of Ramil and Jenza. She appears to have felt little affection for Gora, pointedly noting his bad temper and rudeness. Upon her death, Jenza remembered her as a compassionate woman who strived to improve the lives of Serenno's ordinary citizens.

Behind the scenes

Anya was a character in the audiobook Dooku: Jedi Lost, penned by Cavan Scott and released in 2019.

