Carannia, situated on the planet of Serenno within the Outer Rim Territories, served as its capital city. This city shared its moniker with the sought-after Carannian fur, a material notably fashioned into garments worn by Serennian Senator Izzet Noor during the era of the High Republic. As the Galactic Republic neared its end, Carannia aligned itself politically with Fiyaro and Saffia, adopting a stance of opposition against the Republic. During the High Republic's conclusion, Jedi Initiates Dooku and Sifo-Dyas made a visit to Carannia amidst a bustling festival that drew considerable crowds. Later, in the waning years of the Republic era, Abyssin Mercenaries invaded the city under the employ of Count Ramil, resulting in widespread destruction. This event prompted Dooku to supplant Ramil as the Count of Serenno. By 23 BBY, Carannia had undergone substantial reconstruction under Count Dooku's leadership, funded by profits derived from the processing of a sacanium deposit located nearby. However, Dooku's rule led to a significant surge in unemployment within the city, as droids increasingly replaced human workers. In that same year, 23 BBY, Sith assassin Asajj Ventress was dispatched to Carannia to locate Jenza, Dooku's sister, whom she ultimately killed under Dooku's orders. During the Clone Wars, Ventress, now a former Sith assassin, arrived at the city's spaceport alongside a contingent of Bounty hunters. Subsequently, during the Imperial era, Corellian smuggler Han Solo also made a landing at the same spaceport at some point prior to 0 BBY.
Situated along the coast of the Belsallian Sea and in close proximity to the Carannian hills, Carannia was characterized by its architecture, which featured vaulted structures and cylindrical towers extending towards the forest-covered slopes of the adjacent mountain range. The city's grand architectural designs were largely harmonious with Serenno's natural flora. Carannia also housed the Carannia Spaceport, also referred to as the Serenno spaceport, accommodating various starship classes including bulk cruisers, with a design that integrated seamlessly with the surrounding environment. Furthermore, the city contained important governmental establishments, such as the Great Assembly House, a sizable cathedral distinguished by a large domed ceiling, serving as the meeting place for Serenno's Planetary council. By 23 BBY, the Trannon district, located near the Carannia spaceport, housed the Portmaster's office, which regulated all space travel to and from the local spaceport. The Belsallian Cantina, a cantina near the spaceport, was also established around this time. The city also featured numerous warehouses, including one notably situated near the cargo storage facilities and a dilapidated residential block.
In the year 90 BBY, the city was host to a grand celebration which attracted many visitors, including Jedi Initiates Dooku and Sifo-Dyas. While Dooku and Sifo-Dyas were conversing and exploring the city, Dooku spotted Jenza in the crowd, who had wandered off from her droid caretaker, D-4. Sensing a connection, Dooku began to follow her, with Sifo-Dyas trailing behind to ensure Dooku didn't get into trouble. As Dooku pursued Jenza, she was robbed by a thief. Determined to retrieve her purse and a crystal that belonged to her grandmother, Jenza confronted the thief. This confrontation escalated, leading to the thief and his associates harassing Jenza and, subsequently, Ramil. Before the situation could worsen, Dooku intervened and fought off the thief and his companions. Following the altercation, Jenza offered Dooku a tour of the city, including the Great Assembly House. While exploring the Great Assembly House, Dooku's attention was drawn to a carving of the Tirra'Taka. Upon touching the carving, a sudden groundquake caused the structure to collapse. Jedi Masters and rescue droids then rescued the two children from the rubble. Immediately after the rescue, Count Gora expressed his anger to Grand Master Yoda for bringing his Force-sensitive son, Dooku, to Serenno. After ordering the Jedi to leave, Dooku and the Jedi Masters departed from the city and the planet.
Upon Ramil's ascension to Count of Serenno, his leniency towards pirates led the Great Houses to enlist Abyssin mercenaries. Ramil then bought out the mercenaries and orchestrated the Invasion of Serenno, with the mercenaries seizing control of Serenno and its capital, resulting in significant destruction. Outnumbered and without Ramil's assistance, Jenza, acting on behalf of the resistance group, appealed to Jedi Master Dooku for aid. After the Jedi Council declined to intervene due to Ramil's refusal to pay taxes to the Republic, Jedi Masters Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, and Lene Kostana journeyed to the planet aboard the Truthseeker, only to be met with fire from the mercenaries. After crash-landing in the Delgaldon Plains and joining forces with the resistance group, Dooku spearheaded an assault on a nearby outpost near the city, successfully capturing it. Immediately following the takeover of the outpost by Dooku and the Serennian resistance, Ramil and his droid army intervened, demanding the surrender of Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Kostana, and the rest of the resistance. After their surrender, Dooku was summoned to the Windrunner, Ramil's airship, where Ramil mocked and tortured Dooku, outlining his plans to restructure Serenno by dismantling the Great Houses, thereby resolving the internal conflicts that had plagued the planet. When Ramil attempted to kill Jenza with his own lightsaber, Dooku, consumed by rage, harnessed the power of the Tirra'Taka, an ancient reptillian dragon, which decimated Ramil's droid army below. Dooku then used an electrostaff to destroy the central processor that controlled Ramil's droid army. He subsequently killed Ramil with his own lightsaber and was compelled to slay the Tirra'Taka after losing control of it. Following the battle, a sacanium deposit was discovered near Carannia, which was utilized to rebuild the city. By 23 BBY, the city had largely been reconstructed under the leadership of the newly appointed Count Dooku.
Despite the extensive reconstruction, Dooku, like his predecessors, replaced human workers with droids, leading to a sharp increase in unemployment. In 23 BBY, under Count Dooku's orders, Sith assassin Asajj Ventress was dispatched to the city to locate Jenza, who had been kidnapped. After Ventress forcibly entered the Portmaster's office in the Trannon District, she discovered that Glute, a Crolute criminal, was responsible for Jenza's abduction. She then proceeded to the Belsallian Cantina, where she tortured members of the Razorclaw Gang to ascertain Glute's whereabouts. Upon locating Glute in a dilapidated residential block near a warehouse, Ventress confronted him. Before she could interrogate the criminal, Republic Intelligence officer Raz Fellidrone shot Glute, whom Ventress then tracked to his apartment. After following the officer to his apartment, Ventress successfully located and rescued Jenza from a secret compartment in the portmaster's apartment. Dooku then arrived and commanded Ventress to kill Jenza and eliminate any evidence. Ventress complied, assassinating Jenza and setting a fire that destroyed the apartment and the building in which it was located.
Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, in an attempt to rescue Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, former Sith assassin Ventress and a syndicate known as Krayt's Claw, led by Boba Fett, landed at the Carannia Spaceport aboard the Slave I. Following their arrival, the group traveled to Castle Serenno, Count Dooku's residence, where Vos was being held. Sometime during the Imperial era, before 0 BBY, Corellian smuggler Han Solo encountered a woman named Sarla at the Carannia Spaceport, where he engaged in flirtatious behavior.
Carannia was first mentioned in the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 70 magazine, published by De Agostini and released on May 4, 2016. It later appeared in the script book version of the canon audiobook, "Dooku: Jedi Lost" written by Cavan Scott and released on April 30, 2019. In Star Wars Legends, the location was first mentioned in the novel Darth Bane: Rule of Two. The city was later depicted in the sixth issue of the Star Wars: Agent of the Empire comic series, published by Dark Horse Comics.