Incident on Serenno

The Serenno incident refers to the invasion of the planet of Serenno in 42 BBY. This invasion was masterminded by Ramil of House Serenno, who held the title of Count. Ramil's objective was to incite the population of Serenno to turn against the Galactic Republic. To achieve this, Ramil permitted pirates to consistently attack Serenno, prompting the Great Houses to hire Abyssin mercenaries for protection because Ramil failed to act. Ramil then proceeded to acquire the mercenaries, who subsequently seized control of Serenno, including its capital city, Carannia. Lady Jenza, Ramil's sister, spearheaded a resistance movement composed of Serennian refugees against the Abyssin, seeking assistance from her other brother, the Jedi Master Dooku. With Dooku's aid, the refugees began to reclaim Serenno, but Ramil deployed his droid army to suppress what he portrayed as an uprising. Dooku permitted the droids to escort him to Ramil aboard the airship Windrunner, where he killed the Count and deactivated his army. After Ramil's demise, the Abyssin withdrew, and Dooku left the Jedi Order, declaring himself the new Count of Serenno.

Production Notes

Author Cavan Scott identifies this event as the "Battle of Serenno."

