Ramil's droid army

A droid army was under the command of Count Ramil of Serenno, taking the place of the previous Serenno military. Ramil orchestrated an invasion of the planet utilizing Abyssin mercenaries, which caused several Serennian refugees, including his sister [Jenza](/article/jenza], to stand against the invaders, aided by their brother, the Jedi Master Dooku. The droid army was dispatched with the purpose of stopping the conflict, with Ramil alleging that the refugees were staging a rebellion. Dooku intentionally let the droid army seize him and take him onto the airship Windrunner, having figured out that the army was governed by a central processor. While on the Windrunner, Dooku employed Force lightning in order to obliterate the processor and to deactivate Ramil's exosuit, ultimately killing the Count due to his immobility.

