Serenno government

A governmental structure was present within the Serenno system, responsible for governing both the system and its inhabitants, the Serennians.

Historical Context


According to accounts from the Great Houses of Serenno, following Serenno's leadership against the Sith Empire during the Battle on Serenno, a planet-wide government was established. The planet was subsequently named Serenno in recognition of the individual who spearheaded the fight against the Sith Empire. Subsequently, Serenno and its system integrated into the Galactic Republic. The newly formed planetary government was designed to be led by a Count, chosen in rotation from one of the six Great Houses. Once a Count was selected, the Great Houses would convene a summit in Carannia, the capital city, or, on rare occasions, at the Count's residence and that of their House, to deliberate on pressing matters. A planetary council was also established, functioning as the executive arm of the government and serving as an advisory body to the Count governing the Serenno system. This council comprised members from the seven Great Houses of Serenno; the Houses represented on the planetary council were among the wealthiest and most influential families on Serenno. Housed within the Great Assembly House in Carannia, the council was perceived as analogous to the Senate. Furthermore, the Serenno military was created to safeguard Serenno and its system, while individual Houses were protected by their own dedicated House Guards.

Era of the Republic

Rule of Count Gora and His Predecessors

The planetary government, established in honor of Serenno, remained in operation for a millennium, during which it cultivated interests in the Gordian Reach and the broader Northern Dependencies to foster trade relationships. However, over the years since its creation, political aspirations and financial incentives occasionally triggered numerous crisis situations on Serenno. By this point, House Demici and Nalju had risen to the forefront.

In 106 BBY, Gora of House Serenno held the position of Count. During his tenure, Count Gora initiated the dismantling of the long-established Serenno Military, opting instead for security droids loyal solely to him. Emulating his actions, many other Houses began disbanding their own House Guards in favor of security droids. Subsequently, Gora decided to lay off workers, replacing them with droids, which led to escalating unrest among the civilian population.

Around 90 BBY, a celebration was organized in Carannia, Serenno's capital, to showcase the Outer Rim's offerings. Following the planetary council's advice, Count Gora and his family attended the festival, which welcomed citizens from across the galaxy and the Jedi. It was during this event that Jedi Initiates Dooku and Sifo-Dyas visited Carrania. While exploring the city, Dooku intervened to rescue Jenza, purported to be his sister, from harassment by thieves. After saving Jenza, Dooku embarked on a tour of the city with her, including a visit to the Great Assembly House, the seat of the planetary council. Upon Dooku touching a carving of the Tirra'Taka, an ancient Serennian legend, a sudden earthquake struck, resulting in the destruction of the Great Assembly House.

By 82 BBY, Countess Anya, Count Gora's wife, passed away. Her funeral took place on the moon Mantero that orbited Serenno in 82 BBY, with Dooku, Lene Kostana, and Sifo-Dyas in attendance. As Jenza, Anya's daughter, began to deliver a speech about her mother, a protest erupted against Count Gora for the worker layoffs, with moon rocks being thrown at him. Enraged, Gora ordered his security droids to open fire. Before they could, Jedi Padawan Dooku intervened, revealing himself as Count Gora's son. Further incensed that his Force-sensitive son dared to return to Serenno, Gora commanded the droids to fire on Dooku. Before the droids could strike, Dooku confronted Gora, initiating a physical altercation. During the fight, Dooku inadvertently opened Countess Anya's coffin, revealing her lifeless body. Following Jenza's urging to leave, Dooku, Kostana, and Sifo-Dyas departed Mantero.

Under Count Ramil

By 42 BBY, Count Gora had died and was succeeded by his son Ramil of House Serenno, who assumed leadership of the planet. Around this time, Ramil orchestrated a scheme to allow pirates to raid Serenno and its system. Left with no alternative, the other Great Houses resorted to hiring Abyssin mercenaries for protection. In 42 BBY, Ramil acquired the Abyssin Mercenaries and directed them to seize control of Serenno and its capital, Carannia. Lady Jenza then organized a resistance against the mercenaries, but Ramil refused to engage them. Overwhelmed and outmatched, Jenza contacted Jedi Master Dooku, who promptly traveled to Serenno, accompanied by Lene Kostana and Sifo Dyas. After crash landing in the Delgaldon Plains, the Jedi assisted the resistance group in capturing an Abyssin Outpost near Carannia. Ramil and his droid army then intervened, forcing the Resistance Group to surrender. He summoned Dooku to his ship and revealed his plan to use the Abyssin Mercenaries to eliminate the Great Houses, thereby ending the internal strife plaguing the planet and system. He then taunted Dooku, stating his intention to kill Jenza using Dooku's own lightsaber. Enraged, Dooku summoned the Tirra'Taka, which decimated Ramil's droid army. Ramil was killed by Dooku, who then lost control of the Tirra'Taka and subsequently destroyed it. In the aftermath of the battle, a vein of sacanium was discovered near Carannia.

Early Reign of Dooku

Following Ramil's death, Dooku reclaimed his title as Count of Serenno and became the ruler of the planet, with the unanimous support of all seven Great Houses of Serenno. After Dooku's election as ruler of the planet and system, a summit was convened at his new residence, Castle Serenno, to address the pressing issues of the time.

As ruler, Dooku oversaw the rebuilding of Carannia, utilizing the newly discovered vein of sacanium. In 24 BBY, Count Dooku delivered the Raxus Address and established the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He then assumed leadership of the newly formed faction. Concurrently, Dooku, like his predecessors, continued to replace workers and dismantle the Serenno Military in favor of droids. In 23 BBY, Count Dooku dispatched Sith assassin Asajj Ventress to go to Carannia to locate her sister, who had been kidnapped by Glute under the direction of Republic Intelligence Officer Raz Fellidrone, disguised as the portmaster of Carannia. After rescuing Jenza, Dooku arrived at the apartment where Ventress had found Jenza and subsequently ordered Jenza's assassination and the destruction of all evidence. Ventress then proceeded to kill Jenza and ignite a fire that consumed the apartment and the building in which it was located.

Clone Wars and the Imperial Period

When Count Dooku, as the head of the CIS, established his stronghold on Serenno during the Clone Wars, the planet and its system gained political significance within the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Serennian dukes, such as Duke Solha, were appointed to prominent positions in the newly formed CIS. Despite its growing importance, Dooku financed the war effort with a war chest acquired through theft from his own people and the exploitation of numerous worlds. In 19 BBY, Count Dooku was killed by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the Battle on Coruscant.

Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Empire occupied Serenno and conducted orbital bombardments on at least one city near Castle Serenno. This forced the surviving Serennian population from the orbital bombardment of at least one city to seek refuge, with individuals like Romar Adell residing in the Upper forest region of the planet. The Empire then seized Castle Serenno and began transporting Dooku's war chest offworld. In 19 BBY, Clone Force 99 undertook a mission to Serenno, attempting to steal the war chest, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

