Nobody's Listening!

"Nobody's Listening!" marks the ninth installment of the first season of the television series, Andor. Toby Haynes took the director's chair for this episode, while Beau Willimon is credited as the writer.

Official synopsis

Confined and closely watched, Cassian forges alliances as he contrives an improbable plan to break free.

Detailed synopsis

Within the confines of a maximum-security Imperial prison, Cassian must covertly orchestrate his escape, all while under the constant surveillance of the Empire. Meanwhile, the Imperial Security Bureau persists in their relentless pursuit of information on Ferrix.

Narrative Breakdown

The Inquest

Lieutenant Dedra Meero begins her interrogation of Bix Caleen, expressing her disdain for wasting time and criticizing the investigative methods of her Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) counterparts, which she compares to indiscriminate fishing. Meero proposes presenting Caleen with the known facts, expecting her to fill in the gaps. She threatens to turn Caleen over to Dr. Gorst, known for his more brutal interrogation techniques, should she refuse to cooperate.

Meero reveals that they traced Salman Paak to a radio concealed within his repair shop. She explains that they initially hoped for Paak's cooperation but encountered unexpected resistance, leading to a prolonged interrogation. Meero suggests that Paak's resistance was ultimately pointless. The interrogation of Paak revealed that he attended a separatist meeting in Jondora two years prior, where he was recruited by a woman to act as a liaison for Ferrix upon his return. Meero states that Paak received the fractal radio unit used the previous afternoon.

Meero notes the mysterious woman's interest in using Ferrix to procure stolen Imperial technology and equipment, with Paak being compensated for maintaining the radio. She informs Caleen that she was the sole user of the radio and that the buyer met Paak once before being handed over to her. Meero questions Caleen's motivations, suggesting that she is driven by financial gain, given her status as a business owner with no prior history of causing trouble. Meero offers Caleen another chance to cooperate.

Caleen identifies Meero as ISB, labeling her as "the worst of the worst." Meero demands to know everything Caleen knows about the buyer, as well as Cassian Jeron Andor and their connection. Caleen denies that Andor has any relationship with the buyer. Meero also seeks information on all stolen Imperial equipment that Caleen facilitated, including its origins, customers, and destinations. When Caleen claims ignorance of the buyer's identity, Meero counters that Paak stated she had at least six meetings with the buyer.

Meero points out Caleen's extensive time spent on the radio, leading Caleen to admit to contacting the customer. Meero informs Caleen that the customer and Andor have caused explosions and killed security personnel. Meero reminds Caleen that she was injured while attempting to warn them and that her colleague Timm Karlo died trying to rescue her from Preox-Morlana security forces. Andor and the buyer escaped together, leading Meero to conclude that this was a "nest of relationships." Caleen refuses to confirm any further contact with Andor. When Meero mocks Caleen for being boring, Caleen retorts that Meero would not believe her regardless of her statements. With Caleen remaining uncooperative, Meero allows Dr. Gorst and his team to begin their interrogation.

Life Behind Bars

Within the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, Andor and his fellow inmates are engaged in assembling various mechanical components. They discuss the arrival of a new prisoner, the demanding work schedule, and the quality of the food. One of the prisoners, Ulaf, has sustained a hand injury and requires assistance. Andor offers to switch shifts with Ulaf. Upon inspecting their work station, Kino Loy commends Andor for his generosity, inquiring if it was his idea. Andor attributes the suggestion to Taga. Jemboc praises Andor's decision, suggesting that Ulaf will soon be released.

Later, during a break, Andor goes to the refresher and attempts to cut a pipe. However, an intercom announcement signals the arrival of a new prisoner. Andor joins the other inmates in raising their hands as guards force the new prisoner onto their factory floor, using stun batons to subdue his resistance. As the new prisoner is lowered on a lift, Andor and Birnok discuss their escape strategy. Andor proposes attacking the guards and seizing their weapons while the lift is on Unit Five-Two-D's level. Loy welcomes the new prisoner, explaining the operational details of their factory floor.

Meanwhile, Andor and his fellow prisoners continue their work on a machine. Jemboc informs them that they are ahead of schedule and have one hour remaining. Ulaf is determined to persevere for the sake of the team. Later, Andor and the other prisoners line up. The queue is moving slower than expected, causing discontent among the prisoners. Loy attempts to calm them. Birnok begins signaling to prisoners on other levels. Loy silences the men just as the lights briefly flicker off. He explains that the prison guards cut the power due to a loading issue. Alarms sound, and Birnok reports that something is amiss on Level Two. Loy dismisses the prisoners for attempting to communicate, just as the intercom orders all prisoners to return to their stations.

While the prisoners are resting in their cells, Andor asks the new prisoner if he ever contemplates escaping. Loy refuses to answer. He advises Andor against attempting to escape and ignores his inquiries about the number of guards on the floor. He asserts that the best way to survive is to avoid thinking about escape. Loy informs Andor that he has 217 shifts remaining and declines to share any knowledge about the prison's secrets. Andor argues that the guards are indifferent to their well-being, comparing their situation to being worse than droids. Loy falls asleep as Andor persists with his questions. The new prisoner remains silent. Andor cries out, lamenting that nobody is listening.

At Narkina 5, the prisoners discuss rumors that 100 men across two shifts on Level 2 were electrocuted. Loy demands to know the source of the information. The prisoners point to a dark-skinned prisoner who claims that Zinska heard they were causing trouble. Over the intercom, prison authorities order the prisoners to raise their hands above their heads. Ulaf asks about the events on Level 2. When the new prisoner asserts that Zinska freed them, Loy attacks him. Andor advises Loy to exercise caution and to make the guards believe they know less than they actually do. Loy reasserts his authority over the other prisoners and dismisses the deaths on Level 2 as mere rumors. He instructs them to continue working as normal until they have more information.

Later, Andor and his fellow prisoners, including Ulaf, work on assembling a piece of machinery. Ulaf appears visibly exhausted and struggles to keep pace with his colleagues.

Sonic Agony

On Ferrix, Dr. Gorst assures Caleen that the restraints are for her safety. While preparing his equipment, Gorst tells Caleen about Dizon Fray, an Outer Rim moon inhabited by a sentient species that was exterminated for opposing an Imperial airfield. Dr. Gorst emphasizes that the massacre of the Dizonites was broadcast as proof of mission success. He describes the unique, agonized sound the aliens made upon death, noting that three communications officers monitoring the broadcast suffered emotional trauma.

Dr. Gorst explains that the Imperials have modified the recordings, focusing on the sounds of children, which he claims have a particular effect. Dr. Gorst places an electronic headset on Caleen's head, stating that he can end the sonic torture when she is willing to cooperate. Meero warns Caleen that repeated exposure can cause significant damage. Dr. Gorst forces Caleen to wear the headset. Caleen initially resists but soon succumbs to screaming in torment.

After a session with the torture headset, Meero asks Caleen about her last contact with Andor, touching her face. Later, Meero instructs Captain Vanis Tigo to keep Caleen alive, as she is the only one who can identify the elusive "Axis." Tigo requests permission to hang Salman Paag as a deterrent to the locals, and Meero grants his request. An exhausted and battered Caleen rests in her cell.

Mothma's Kin

At the Imperial Senate, Senator Mon Mothma voices her opposition to the Emperor's new public safety legislation. An opposing senator shouts "long live to the Galactic Empire." Mothma denounces the Public Order Resentencing Directive as governmental overreach and a step towards authoritarianism. Supporters and opponents of the bill exchange insults. Mothma reminds her fellow senators of their duty to the people and the importance of preserving the Senate's independence. As the heckling continues, Mothma urges the senators to approach the debate with open minds, rather than treating the Senate as a temple. Later, Mothma's driver Exmar Kloris informs her that her cousin has arrived from Chandrila and is at the Chandrilan Embassy.

At the Chandrilan Embassy, Mothma and her daughter Leida Mothma meet with Mothma's cousin Vel Sartha, who has brought Leida a new golden dress from Tassio Moon. After a brief exchange with Leida about her fashion preferences, Mothma asks Sartha about her recent activities. Sartha reveals that she has been traveling for the past six months, alluding to her involvement with the Rebellion. Mothma inquires if Sartha will be returning home to Chandrila, as their relatives are concerned about her whereabouts. Sartha confirms that she will, but wanted to see Mothma first.

Mothma questions Sartha about her work with Luthen Rael, but Sartha is evasive. She tells Mothma that significant events are unfolding and that, despite the risks, she is committed to the rebel cause. Mothma wishes to ask more questions, but Sartha reminds her of their oath. Leida then shows her new golden dress to Mothma and Sartha.

Later, during breakfast, Perrin Fertha asks Sartha if she is returning to Chandrila that day. Sartha claims that she is heading back for The Pilgrimage. When Perrin asks if Sartha will find a husband, Sartha dismisses it as a priority. Perrin mentions the large Chandrilan community on Coruscant and suggests Tay Kolma, whom he identifies as Mothma's former school boyfriend.

In private, Mothma advises Sartha to feign being a spoiled socialite to conceal her rebel activities. Vel agrees to try and reminds Mothma that they have chosen a side and are fighting against darkness. The two cousins embrace. Shortly after, the driver arrives and escorts Sartha to the airspeeder with her luggage. Mothma stands silently in the hallway of her home.

Meero's Briefing

At the ISB Central Office, Meero presents her report on Bix Caleen's interrogation to Major Lio Partagaz. She concedes that Caleen provided no information regarding the identity of the mysterious buyer "Axis." Meero asserts that Axis operates a large-scale operation that is not reliant on any single network or supplier. Caleen provided a list of all equipment that passed through Ferrix, and Meero believes they have found a match to a targeting unit recovered from a safe house used by a rebel cell associated with Maya Pei.

When Supervisor Lonni Jung mentions Andor's involvement, Meero emphasizes that this is the point she wishes to highlight. Partagaz dismisses Andor as a local thief and murderer. Meero informs the other ISB officers that Andor returned to Ferrix three nights after the events on Aldhani with money. When Captain Lagret asks if the money came from the theft of the Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit, Jung recalls that they left it behind.

Partagaz remains skeptical of Meero's theory linking the Aldhani heist to the Ambush on Ferrix. Attendant Heert states that Caleen mentioned during the interrogation that Andor was clean shaven, and that the robbers were all clean shaven. Two Imperial Army troopers from the Aldhani garrison confirmed that the unshaven Andor matched their reference picture. Partagaz agrees to allow Meero to further investigate the Aldhani connection. When Partagaz asks why Meero did not interrogate Andor's mother Maarva Andor, Meero explains that they could use her as bait should Andor return. She confirms that Imperial authorities are monitoring Maarva.

Syril's Fixation

Elsewhere on Coruscant, Eedy Karn observes that her son Syril Karn consistently leaves for work early and returns home late. When Eedy comments on her son's meticulous appearance, Syril reminds his mother that he asked her not to leave dinner out for him the previous night. Eedy expresses concern over her son's curt message and admits to searching his room. When Syril objects to his mother invading his privacy, Eedy reminds him that she secured him a job and prepares two meals a day.

Eedy accuses her son of being ungrateful and neglecting her while working for Preox-Morlana for several years. Syril informs his mother that he has received a promotion and that his work hours will increase. Eedy remarks that Uncle Harlo will be pleased. While Eedy celebrates her son's success, Syril remains silent.

Later, Syril makes an unscheduled visit to the ISB Central Office on Coruscant, where he congratulates Meero on her role in his promotion. Meero downplays her involvement, stating that she only provided a clean bill of health. Syril attempts to gain favor with Meero. Suspecting that Syril is stalking her, she warns him that further uninvited visits could cause him trouble. Meero dismisses their earlier meeting as a routine interrogation. Syril tells Meero that he admires her work. When Meero tries to leave, Syril stops her by grabbing her arm and continuing the conversation. Meero is visibly uncomfortable and warns him that she can make his life difficult if he doesn't leave her alone.

Monetary Difficulties

Elsewhere, Tay Kolma and Mothma discuss the issue of donations for her clandestine rebel charity. Kolma reveals that authorities are noticing suspicious transactions, such as a 400,000-credit donation that mysteriously disappears from the ledger. To provide a plausible explanation, Kolma suggests disguising it as a deposit. Kolma asks Mothma if she is in trouble, reassuring her that she is safe unless the accounts are audited, but warns that time is running out. Mothma requests a loan. Kolma advises Mothma to seek out a Chandrilan banker named Davo Sculdun, who has treasury connections and a vast business portfolio.

Mothma points out that Sculdun is a wealthy criminal. Kolma argues that they have little choice due to the stringent new tax laws. Mothma worries that Sculdun will notice the missing 400,000 credits. Kolma assures her that he does not concern himself with his customers' activities. Kolma informs Mothma that Sculdun wishes to meet her. Mothma is hesitant to meet the criminal. Kolma offers to continue searching for alternatives.

Orchestrating an Accident

Later at her office, Attendant Heert informs Meero that Imperial authorities have captured a rebel pilot who was using a stolen Imperial masking unit. The prisoner is being held aboard a Star Destroyer above Steergard. Meero instructs Heert to send Dr. Gorst to interrogate the prisoner. Heert replies that he has already dispatched Gorst. Meero decides to conduct the interrogation remotely and thanks Heert for his initiative.

At the ISB Central Office, Meero and Heert brief Major Partagaz about the captured rebel pilot and the stolen Imperial masking unit. Also present are Lagret and two of his attendants. The prisoner claimed that he did not contact anyone during his escape attempt. Heert adds that the masking unit was stolen from the Imperial naval yard in Lozash the previous year. Supervisor Jung and his attendant enter the room. Partagaz informs them about the capture of the rebel pilot, who is part of Anto Kreegyr's group. Partagaz believes that Kreegyr is unaware of the pilot's capture and states that the prisoner is revealing Kreegyr's plan to raid the power station at Spellhaus.

When Jung learns that the pilot was heading to Kafrene, he warns that Kreegyr's group will soon realize that he is missing. Lagret suggests destroying the ship and making his disappearance appear accidental. Jung disagrees. Meero proposes "fouling" the ship, killing the pilot, and planting his body aboard. Jung argues that the rebels would find it and likely tow it into Kafrene. Meero suggests quickly staging the accident and allowing the ship to drift into traffic. Partagaz approves Meero's plan and instructs her to make it a top priority. He warns her to leave no trace before scheduling a meeting with Military Intelligence to discuss the planned raid on Spellhaus.

Ulaf's Demise

At the Narkina 5 factory facility, Andor pushes a trolley carrying machinery components that he and his fellow prisoners have been assembling. As Ulaf weakens, the intercom announces that the low-yield tables are in position. Loy instructs Table Two to advance the shift by six racks and three, and orders Table One to enter the box. During a drill, Ulaf nearly collapses from exhaustion and is supported by his fellow inmates. The prisoners are subjected to a painful audio assault.

As the prisoners return to their bunks, one of the inmates informs Loy that Ulaf requires medical attention. Andor and the others assist in carrying the weakened Ulaf. During the journey, Ulaf collapses. Loy calls Zinska to summon a medic and instructs another prisoner to hurry. Loy tries to reassure Ulaf that he only has a few more shifts before his release. Later, a medic named Rhasiv, who is a fellow prisoner, attends to the exhausted Ulaf and applies an oxygen mask. Loy vouches for Ulaf, stating that he only has 40 shifts left and is incredibly resilient.

After examining Ulaf, Rhasiv determines that he has suffered a massive stroke. Lacking the necessary resources, Rhasiv requests a bag and trolley from the guard. Rhasiv instructs Loy and Andor to hold Ulaf's shoulders and legs while he administers drugs to euthanize him. Rhasiv evades questions about the events on Level Two and tells Loy to keep his men in line. Ulaf dies. When Loy presses about the events on Level Two again, Rhasiv reminds the guard to bring a bag and trolley. After the guard leaves, Rhasiv reveals to Loy that a man who was released on Level Four ended up back on Level Two the following day. When the truth was discovered, all one hundred men were killed. Andor and Loy realize that nobody will be leaving the prison before a guard orders them to leave the corridor. As they exit, Loy informs Andor that there are no more than twelve guards on each level.

Cast and Crew

