"One Way Out" marks the tenth installment of Andor's first season, a show itself part of the larger Andor universe. Toby Haynes took on the directing duties for this episode, while Beau Willimon is credited as the writer.
At the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, a medic, under the watchful eye of an armed guard, removes the body of Ulaf. The remaining inmates observe this with their hands raised in compliance. Later on, Cassian Jeron Andor informs Kino Loy that their escape must happen the following day. He explains that the guards are aware of their numerical disadvantage and have already killed a hundred men. Andor emphasizes the grim reality that the 5,000 prisoners are destined to remain captive indefinitely, inferring that their labor holds immense value for the Galactic Empire.
Loy hesitates to commit, expressing doubt about Andor's lack of a concrete plan. This leads to a physical altercation between the two. Andor clarifies that his strategy hinges on exploiting the arrival of Ulaf's replacement the next day. He urges Loy to seize this fleeting chance before it vanishes. Andor declares his readiness to die during the escape attempt. As they proceed down the corridor towards their cells, the other inmates inquire about Ulaf's fate and the events that transpired on Level Two.
Andor confirms that the prison authorities executed everyone on Level Two after mistakenly returning a released prisoner. Loy corroborates Andor's account, informing the other prisoners that releases are not happening. He instructs them to return to their cells and begin devising their own plans.
Elsewhere, at the Imperial Security Bureau, Supervisor Dedra Meero and her team learn that Anto Kreegyr's group have fallen into their trap, acquiring the deceased pilot and requesting a landing bay. Authorities on Kafrene assert that the pilot's death resulted from a hydraulic failure upon exiting hyperspace. Supervisor Lonni Jung persuades Major Lio Partagaz that Imperial forces should act decisively and assert their dominance. Meero then departs the command center.
On Ferrix, Jezzi tells Doctor Mullmoy that Maarva Andor has been neglecting her medication. Their conversation is observed by Cinta Kaz, who in turn is being watched by Corv. At the Chandrilan Embassy, Senator Mon Mothma and Tay Kolma engage in a meeting with Davo Sculdun, a Chandrilan banker, who expresses his appreciation for architecture. Sculdun is acquainted with Mothma's husband, Perrin Fertha. After exchanging customary greetings, they delve into Mothma's endeavors to secure alternative funding sources for her foundation.
Sculdun proposes to assist Mothma by consolidating her transactions in a manner that obscures them from external scrutiny. He acknowledges that the Empire's recent financial regulations have complicated certain transactions. Sculdun views the situation as a game to be played. Mothma emphasizes the charitable nature of her foundation and inquires about his fees. Sculdun initially offers his services without charge, but Mothma insists on compensation. He then states that a minor discomfort is the price of their association.
Sculdun reveals his price: a reciprocal invitation. Mothma is agreeable until Sculdun expresses his desire to introduce his 14-year-old son to Mothma's 13-year-old daughter, Leida Mothma. Mothma voices her disapproval of the Chandrilan custom of child betrothals. Sculdun counters that their social standing often dictates their choices, compelling them to conform. When Mothma questions if this is his only offer, Sculdun confirms it. Mothma instructs Kolma to escort Sculdun out and declares that she will not consider his proposal. Sculdun responds that this is the first dishonest statement she has made before departing.
Elsewhere, Kleya Marki informs Luthen Rael about a mark discovered on the fountain. She interprets this as a message from "he" requesting a meeting, given the absence of the rail downstairs. Marki expresses concern about the timing and advises Rael to travel to Fondor while she handles matters on Coruscant. Rael notes that it has been a year since their contact last reached out. He is prepared to accept the risks, even if it is a trap.
The next day, Loy addresses the prisoners, persuading them to attempt an escape. While traversing the sky bridge, an announcement via the intercom declares that all skybridge transfers will proceed according to schedule and without communication until further notice. The prisoners proceed to their assigned work stations as usual.
Later, Andor and his fellow inmates, including Jemboc, initiate their escape plan. Andor seizes a wrench and begins cutting a water pipe, while Loy issues commands. The prison guards prepare another prisoner to be lowered onto the factory floor. While awaiting Andor's signal, the other prisoners arm themselves with tools. The prisoners raise their hands as the new prisoner is escorted down on the lift. Alarms sound due to the ruptured pipe.
As the floors flood, two prisoners instigate a fight, which quickly escalates into a full-scale brawl. Andor jams the lift carrying the new prisoner and his guard. The prisoners swarm the lift and subdue the guard. Other prisoners hurl objects at the remaining guards, while Andor ascends the disabled lift. A guard orders the activation of the floor's electrical grid, prompting Loy to instruct the prisoners to climb onto the tables. The water causes the metallic floors to short-circuit.
With the electric field deactivated, Loy leads the prisoners in a revolt on 5-2-D. The guards attempt to defend their higher ground, but they are overwhelmed. Some prisoners are killed, but they succeed in breaching the control room and eliminating the guard stationed there. The prisoners in 5-2-D begin scaling the disabled lift. The flooding spreads to other floors, while Andor, Loy, and the other prisoners seize weapons.
Other guards receive reports of the flooding and the riot in 5-2-D. The revolt rapidly spreads to other floors, with prisoners from 5-2-D encouraging the other prisoners to fight for their freedom. They engage and kill the guards they encounter. The announcer issues orders to activate the sonic countdown and isolate Level 5. Kino Loy forces his way into the Level Eight command center and demands that the announcer halt the countdown. When the announcer refuses, Loy shoots a correction officer, prompting a third officer to comply.
Andor also instructs the guard to deactivate the hydro generators. The guard claims that only the announcer has access to the hydro generators. Loy forces the announcer at gunpoint to deactivate the hydro generators, cutting off power to the entire prison. When the backup power supply activates, Andor forces the two guards away from the console at gunpoint.
Andor urges a reluctant Loy to address the other prisoners. Loy informs the prisoners that they have disabled every floor in the facility and implores them to escape. He states that the guards are outnumbered and that they should seize their chance to escape, even if it means death. Loy reveals that the prisoners on Level 2 were executed and that prisoners are not being released after serving their sentences but are being transferred to other prisons. He urges the prisoners to run, climb, and kill to escape the prison. Andor and Loy then depart the Level Eight command center, sparing the two surviving guards.
The prisoners surge through the sky bridges and stairs. The remaining guards cower in a bunker, fearing for their lives. Reaching the top of the prison complex, the prisoners leap into the sea. Loy reveals that he cannot swim, while Andor and the other prisoners take the plunge. Hours later, Andor and Melshi sprint across the beaches of Narkina 5 under the light of three moons, pursued by Imperial patrols.
Elsewhere, Lonni Jung, in disguise, navigates a crowded street on Coruscant. He proceeds through a series of tunnels and enters a turbolift, where he retrieves an earpiece. Rael instructs him to press the buttons for 215 if he suspects a trap. As the lift descends, Rael congratulates him on his daughter's health and beauty, noting that he must be pleased. Jung expresses discomfort that Rael has been spying on him and his family.
Jung warns Rael about a new, ambitious supervisor named Dedra Meero, who is investigating a rebel figure known as "Axis," whom she believes is building a rebel network. Meero is examining stolen Imperial naval equipment to trace a connection to Aldhani. He informs Rael that Meero is also focusing on the Ferrix Incident and has been thoroughly investigating the area. He adds that they are searching for the thief and the "middle man."
Rael advises Jung to encourage Meero, as she is "wasting" her time. Jung asks if Rael was involved in the events on Aldhani, but Rael avoids a direct answer. Rael then asks Jung why he requested this meeting. Jung explains that Meero captured a rebel pilot who was running supplies for Kreegyr. He explains that they flipped him immediately and staged an accident. The Empire is also aware of Kreegyr's plans to attack the power station on Spellhaus. Rael is willing to sacrifice Kreegyr and his 50 men to mislead the ISB into believing that there is no security breach. Rael insists that he is doing Jung a favor.
The lift doors open, and Jung is greeted by Rael in person, who demands to know the real reason for the meeting. Jung confesses to Rael that he can no longer continue as a double agent, given his responsibilities as a father. Rael reminds him of their oath. Jung offers to trade Meero, Spellhaus, and Ferrix to Rael. He explains that he has been climbing the ranks of the ISB for six years but can no longer endure it. Rael asks Jung how he would justify his departure to the ISB. Jung suggests his health and his wife's import business as possible excuses, but Rael remains unconvinced. Rael refuses to release Jung, citing the rebels' significant investment in him. He tells Jung that he is trapped.
When Jung asks if his sacrifices mean nothing to Rael, Rael responds that his investment in the Rebellion is immense, considering the double life he has been forced to lead. He calls Jung a hero that the Rebellion desperately needs. Jung asks Rael about his own sacrifices. Rael lists calm, kindness, kinship, and love. Having forsaken peace, Rael says he is forced to employ the methods of his enemy to prevail. Rael asserts that he has sacrificed everything and implores Jung to continue his work.