The ISB Central Office, also known as the Imperial Security Bureau headquarters or simply ISB Headquarters, was a sprawling complex, encompassing several city blocks. It served as the central command for the Imperial Security Bureau and was situated within the COMPNOR arcology at Level 5127 on the planet Coruscant, specifically in its Federal District.
Within this structure, personnel analyzed intelligence, supported by equipment for this purpose. The analysts working at the Central Office had access to the extensive HoloNet network, gathering information from across the Empire. While individual agents were generally given autonomy in completing missions, the Central Office retained the authority to reassign them if higher-priority objectives arose. Agents typically spent most of their time deployed, returning to the Federal District only between assignments. Its operations spanned the entirety of the Imperial Era.

The ISB headquarters presented as a substantial pyramid-shaped structure. This building was composed of ten curved structures arranged circularly around the main building. The main building connected to the larger COMPNOR Arcology complex via transparent skybridges. Imperial stormtroopers were stationed to patrol the grounds, and point defence cannons were positioned along the perimeter as a defense against aerial attacks. Inside, conference chambers existed, one of which hosted sector supervisors' forums led by Major Partagaz, and announcements of policy changes, such as the implementation of the Public Order Resentencing Directive after the Aldhani incident. The ISB Supervisors present at ISB board meetings in this room were part of the Investigations branch.
Senior officers had individual, though austere, offices shared with their assistants. The building also contained a datavault where data from all sectors under ISB control was stored and accessible for analysis by order of the sector supervisor. The interior design featured white walls and floors, a notable departure from typical Imperial aesthetics, and was accented with bright Imperial insignias. This stark white color scheme may have symbolized the ISB's perception of their ideological purity. An interrogation room also existed within the building: a brightly lit, square space containing a single chair and surrounded by three one-way mirrors. A darkened observation room encircled the interrogation room, allowing for unseen monitoring.

The first mention of the ISB Central Office within canon occurred in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, authored by Adam Bray, Kerrie Dougherty, Cole Horton, and Michael Kogge. While narrative sources indicate a Federal District location, the Fantasy Flight Games' 2018 roleplaying game book, Dawn of Rebellion, places the headquarters in the Verity District. This article assumes Dawn of Rebellion is inaccurate.
The building itself appeared onscreen for the first time in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the television series Andor. Prior to the episode's release, construction of the set was displayed in a sizzle reel for Andor. The exterior shots of the headquarters were filmed near Adams Bridge and Crossrail Plaza in Canary Wharf, London, England.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the ISB Central Office was initially referenced in the 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, written by Greg Gorden and published by West End Games.