Unit Five-Two-D was a subunit within the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex where prisoners performed labor, a prison labor detail. Kino Loy, who held the position of floor manager, was in charge of it during 5 BBY. The designation "Five-Two-D" indicated the level (five), the room (two), and the shift, specifically the day-shift ("D"). The prison facility consisted of seven levels, each level containing seven rooms, each room containing seven tables, and each table occupied by seven men; additionally, there was a distinct night-shift unit. Therefore, Unit Five-Two-D comprised 49 individuals, including Loy. Among the inmates assigned to Unit Five-Two-D were Cassian Andor, Ham, Jemboc, Ruescott Melshi, Taga, Ulaf, and Xaul (all seated at Table Five), Veemoss who sat at table three, and Birnok who sat at table two.