
Captain Lagret was a male human serving as an Investigations supervisor within the Imperial Security Bureau of the Galactic Empire. It was in 5 BBY that he reported during a Coruscant meeting that a conflict occurring on the planet Arvala-6 had subsided enough to permit the resumption of mining operations. However, he was rebuked by Major Partagaz due to unresolved storage problems related to the displaced individuals from the conflict, as well as an incomplete memorandum that Lagret was supposed to have finalized. Lagret justified the delay by stating he was awaiting input from Arvala-6's ministerial director, which led Partagaz to deliver a speech regarding the bureau's function and subsequently inform Lagret that the memorandum would be reassigned to another party.


Lagret reported on events on Arvala-Six during a meeting at the Imperial Security Bureau on Coruscant.

During the Galactic Empire's reign, Lagret, a male human, held the rank of captain and served as an ISB Supervisor within the Investigations division of the Imperial Security Bureau. His responsibilities included overseeing matters on Arvala-Six, where a conflict was in progress. By 5 BBY, the conflict had de-escalated to a point where mining could recommence on occupied territories, a development Lagret considered favorable. However, ongoing issues persisted concerning the storage and welfare of those displaced by the conflict. Lagret was tasked with producing a memorandum outlining recommendations to address this issue, but its completion was pending an evaluation from Arvala-Six's ministerial director.

While the memorandum remained unfinished, Lagret attended a supervisors' assembly within a bureau building located on the planet Coruscant. The resumption of mining on Arvala-Six was addressed as a topic during the meeting, with Major Partagaz questioning Lagret about the situation and noting the supervisor's failure to finalize the memorandum. When Lagret attempted to justify the delay by citing his staff's reliance on the director's assessment, Partagaz sarcastically acknowledged their performance. When Lagret was unable to respond, Partagaz asked him what they did at the bureau, but the supervisor was confused by the question.

Supervisor Lagret was dismayed that his memorandum was reassigned by Major Partagaz.

Partagaz then broadened the discussion to the entire room, which allowed Lieutenant Dedra Meero to recite a segment of the Imperial Security Bureau's mission statement verbatim. However, Partagaz dismissed this response, asserting that the bureau's true purpose was to detect and treat the "disease" of disorder within the Empire. Lagret claimed to comprehend Partagaz's meaning, but the major relieved him of the memorandum assignment, indicating it would be reassigned.

Subsequently, Lagret and other supervisors were summoned back to the meeting room, along with numerous other personnel, following the theft of the entire Imperial payroll for a sector from an Imperial installation situated on the planet Aldhani. Partagaz informed the attendees that they would be required to remain on duty, instructing them to notify their staff and families accordingly. He also mandated that every Star Sector and Planetary Emergency Retaliation plan within the building be prepared for presentation by midnight.

Later, Lagret participated in a meeting presided over by ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen, during which Yularen outlined a series of retaliatory measures in response to the Aldhani incident, including the activation of the Public Order Resentencing Directive. Following this, Lagret and several other ISB board officers attended another meeting where Supervisor Blevin brought charges against Supervisor Meero. The meeting concluded with the reassignment of the planet Ferrix, previously under Blevin's jurisdiction, to Meero for her assignments.

Yularen later conducted another meeting attended by Lagret, during which Meero outlined her intentions regarding Ferrix and requested equipment from Yularen to identify a rebel operative specializing in the acquisition of Imperial gear. As the ISB investigation into this operative, now designated Axis, intensified, Lagret attended another meeting where Meero shared the information she had gathered. When Meero mentioned that one of Axis's associates, Cassian Andor, had returned to his home planet of Ferrix with money following the Aldhani incident, Lagret suggested that it could have been from the sale of an Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit found on Ferrix after a skirmish. Lung dismissed the theory, as the Starpath unit was left behind. Lagret then inquired whether Meero had questioned Andor's mother, but Meero stated that she had not, referring to her as bait.

Personality and traits

Lagret was confused by Partagaz's questions.

Lagret considered his agenda item a positive development but was perplexed when Partagaz criticized him regarding the memorandum and then inquired about the bureau's purpose, misinterpreting the question as pertaining to Arvala-Six. Upon being informed that the memorandum would be reassigned, Lagret glanced with dismay at Supervisor Lonni Jung, who was seated beside him. Lagret possessed balding gray hair, blue eyes, and a light complexion.


Lagret was seen wearing a white Imperial officer's uniform, complete with a code cylinder on each shoulder and a rank insignia plaque displaying four blue squares.

Behind the scenes

Michael Jenn played Lagret in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the Andor television series, which premiered on September 28, 2022. Prior to the episode's debut, his appearance was revealed in the show's teaser trailer, which aired on May 26, 2022.

